Chapter 58

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I stare at Jack with shock. He’s actually on his knees proposing to me. I don’t even know what to say.

“So Stells, will you?” He repeats when I say nothing. I close my eyes and imagine getting married to Jack. I imagine walking down the alter with flowers in my hand and him standing at the alter with the biggest grin on his face. The very thought makes me smile happily.

I look at Jack and he has a cheeky grin on his face. He is nodding his head up and down, only encouraging me to say yes. How can I say no to that?

A hand flies to my mouth and hides my excitement as I nod my head in return. I’m actually getting married. Seeing my reaction, Jack jumps up in excitement and latches on to me. He smacks his lips on mine and I wrap my arms around his head. I throw the beanie of his head and tangle my fingles in his hair while our lips meet. He kisses me passionately and lifts me off my feet in a swift movement. I wrap my legs around his waist and he carries me over to my bed.

He slowly moves me down so that I’m lying on the bed and him on top of me. We start to dry hump as we make out. I start to feel really hot and eager to take off some clothes. Or should I say eager to take his clothes off.

I fumble with his shirt and he lifts it over his head. He’s about to undo his own pants when a little knock on my door interrupts us. Jack hastily jumps off of me and puts his shirt on quickly. He grabs his beanie off the floor and shoves it on his head to cover his messy hair. He politely opens the door and greets my mother who is standing their waiting with cookies in her hand. Always the perfect housewife.

“Would you guys like some cookies?” She asks nicely to Jack. I groan in absolute annoyance. My almost sex was just interrupted because my mother wanted to give my boyfriend, I mean fiance, cookies. Fuck that.

“No, we don’t. Go away” I say rudely to my mother. Her mouth forms into a line and her eyes flare up in anger and disappointment. Jack turns around and looks at me with a face of warning. I ignore it completely and just stare at my mother.

“We’d love some” Jack says nicely to her before taking a couple of cookies. He brings a cookie over and offers it to me. I don’t bother to accept it so he just puts it on my bed next to me. He turns around to my mother and thanks her once again. Suck up.

Once she has received her thanks from Jack, she turns around and walks away. Thank God. Jack runs to the door and locks it. The minute he does, I groan and roll my eyes in frustration.

“God, she is so annoying” I say out loud.

“No, she loves you. You should be nicer to her” He replies. I give him my ‘are you serious’ look.

“You’re one to lecture me about mothers” I spit out.

He looks at me with wide eyes, “You really want to go there now Stella?”

I take a sigh and agree with him, “No, no I don’t. I guess I’m just a little uneasy at the moment”.

He comes closer to me and puts his hands on my face, “Why baby?”

I throw my hands in the air dramatically, “everything is going so wrong. My families moving to Australia Jack and what if we can’t get a visa for me in time”.

He shakes his head, “I told you I have this covered. If it makes you stress less, then I’ll organise everything right now.”

I nod my head to show him what I want. He pulls out his phone and starts looking through his contacts. Before he hits call, he looks up at me.

“You’re sure about this babe?” He asks me again.

“Yeah, I’m sure about you” I reply. He leans over and kisses me on my lips.

“I’ll just make this call and then I’ll come over and destress you” He says with a cheeky grin on his face.

I smile up at him, “and what’s that supposed to mean?”

He points to the cookie lying on my bed, “My two favourite things will be put together. I’ve always wanted to eat food off your sexy body”.

My eyebrows lift up in excitement. Ofcourse he was going to distract me sexually. And to be honest, I don’t object at all.

Jack moves away from me and dials the number. I hear a guys voice answer the phone.

“Oh hey mate, it’s Jack” Jack says into the phone. The guy replies but I don’t understand what he says. I wait for Jack to reply.

“Yeah, mate I need a massive favor. I need to get married asap but the only problem is that my girls underage”. He tells the guy. Jack doesn’t say anything more but judging by the smile on his face, it’s all going well. Jack ends the phone call with, “Yeah thanks mate, I owe you one. See you soon”.

He hangs up the phone and looks back at me.

“Guess what babe” He asks me.


“We’re getting married tonight” He tells me proudly.

“WHAT? Tonight? Jack, that’s not enough time! I don’t have a dress and I look like shit!” I state the obvious. He looks me up and down and then shrugs.

“You look mighty fine to me” He says.

I use the cliche, “You have to say that, you’re my fiance”.

He shakes his head, “Stella, you could be wearing nothing and I’ll think you look hot. I mean, you’d be naked so you’d be more than hot but that’s not my point. To me, you are absolutely beautiful in every thing you do.”

I listen to his words carefully, “I need a dress Jack. The rest doesn’t matter. I have you to make up for the rest. But babe, I still need a dress. It’s important to me.”

He nods his head and then grabs my hand. He starts to pull me up but then I pull him back down.

“Stop being annoying Stella, we’re going to find you a dress! Let’s go.” He says.

“Right now?” I ask.

“Well, we are getting married in about four hours. So we might want to hurry” He says.

I give him a nod and let him pull me out of bed. I’m going wedding dress shopping with Jack... And I’m getting married in about 4 hours.

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