Chapter 38

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“I get to go first” I say way too eagerly. I can’t help it if I want to see him naked.

“Go on then” He tells me confidently.

“How many times have you been arrested?” I ask him straight away.

He merely shrugs and says, “I don’t know. Too many”.

I give him a death stare, “You can’t give me ambiguous answers Jack. Take your clothes off”.

“I answered your question, it’s your turn now!” He tells me innocently.

“You gave me shit. You’re avoiding the question once again! Take your clothes off” I demand.

“I genuinely don’t know how many times I’ve been arrested! I just know it’s a lot.” He tells me honestly. He gives me a little smirk, “Now my turn! When did you lose your virginity?”

I look at him in absolute shock. Did he really ask that?

“I’m not answering that you pervert” I reply quickly. I once again shift around uncomfortably in front of Jack.

“Then take off a piece of clothing Stella” He orders. I shut my lips in anger and take off my jumper.

“Name me some of the things you got arrested for” I tell him.

He gives me a cheeky grin and replies, “That’s not a question”.

“What are some of the things you got arrested for?” I rephrase the question.

He pulls out his hand and starts to count on his fingers as he lists, “breaking and entering, underage drinking, assault, public nudity, more assault... I think that’s about it”

I look at him in horror but accept his answer. I stand there and wait for his question.

“What age did you get your period?” He asks me.

“What the fuck Jack?” I ask quickly, feeling way too violated.

He merely shrugs.

“Why do you want to know this in the first place?” I ask him.

“That your next question?” He asks me. I roll my eyes quickly and say “No!”. I dramatically take my school shoes off.

“Shoes are not a piece of clothing” He tells me.

I look at him smugly, “Yes, they are”.

He shakes his head, “No, they’re an accessory to your clothing. Take something else off!”

Once again I roll my eyes and take off one sock. He looks at me stupidly and I give him attitude back.

“They are a pair of socks Stella, they both come off” He tells me with a grin. I give him a massive groan and take off both socks.

“My turn” I say before changing to a harder question that I know he won’t answer, “What exactly happened between you and your mum... In detail please”.

He narrows his eyes angrily, “You already know. Finn told you”

“Did he?” I question him, making him think about the question. Even though Finn did tell me, Jack doesn’t know what Finn and I talked about.

He doesn’t answer but instead he just takes his shirt off. I smile in amusement, he really does have a good body.

I wait confidently for his question. I’m certain that he’s gone through all the invasive ones by now. He stays silently for a moment as he thinks. He randomly starts smiling and I know that he’s thought of a question.

“How often do you feel yourself up in a week?” He asks me. Once again, I’m shocked at his question. Where does he think all of this up? And how the hell does he know that I won’t answer any of these questions? Fuck.

I take a look around me to make sure that no one is around. All that’s left to take off is my school dress and under that is just my bra and undies. Fuck. I hesitantly take off my school dress so I’m standing in my bra and undies. His face immediately lights up and I try to hide my smile from this.

I decide to ask him another question about his mother cause I know he won’t answer it. “So, what did your mother do to break up your family?”

He looks at me with anger in his eyes and I immediately feel bad. I hate having to use his mother to get him naked.

As he takes off his pants, he asks me, “Can we not talk about my mother when you’re standing in front of me almost naked? You’re hot and I don’t like having my mother disturbing my dirty thoughts about you”

I immediately blush from his words. The fact that I know he’s thinking about me dirtily just drives me nuts. I watch him as his pants come off. He’s now only in his underwear and it’s so so hot. His body is perfectly sculpted and I can see that he is a little hard through his underwear. He hasn’t even bothered to take off his socks yet but that doesn’t bother me. Jack in his underwear is just so so pleasing.

“Fine. My next question is...” I say before I stop to think.

“Hey it’s my turn!” He says.

I quickly shake my head and smile, “Nope, your question was whether or not I’d stop talking about your mummy”.

He merely rolls his eyes but I can see a smile hidden beneath his hard face.

“Anyway, my question is, when you said you’d sort things out with Lauren, what did you mean?” I ask him. He gives me a big smile before he just quickly pulls down his pants, indicating that he’s not answering the question. I stand there shocked. He’s big... Really big. And I can’t help but stare. I mean, you’d be delusional not to.

“Looks like you won” He says to me. I just nod my head, still not lifting up my head to his height. He laughs in response. Eventually he moves a couple of steps away from me and I look up in a panic. I don’t want him to move. I was enjoying my view.

Instead, he starts to run towards the pool. Next thing I know, Jack is jumping straight into the pool butt naked. The water splashes everywhere and he eventually lifts his head out of the water. He shakes his hair like a dog and I laugh.

“C’mon Stells, in ya get” He says.

I shuffle around away from the pool, “Nope, I won so I don’t have to”.

He starts to swim over to the edge of the pool, “Don’t make me chuck you in”.

I immediately run away. He jumps out of the pool soaking wet and chases after me.

“No, go away Jack” I scream at him. He eventually catches up to me and pulls me in his wet arms. I can feel his buldge behind me and lets just say that Jack isn’t the only one that’s now wet.

He immediately picks me up and carries me to the edge of the pool. Next thing I know, Jack and I are both in the water. I lift my head up and shake the hair out of my eyes. Jack is swimming in front of me laughing so I splash a little water at him. This only makes him laugh even more and once again I find myself laughing along with him. We both swim alongside each other as we laugh together. Eventually he moves his body closer to mine and slams his lips against mine... This was going to be a great swim! 

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