Chapter 59

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Jack and I raced to the wedding shop and we were now standing in front of a shit load of dresses. I don’t even know where to start or what dress I want.

“Pick anything you want” Jack tells me. I look at him in shock. I mean, he’s so sweet to offer such a thing, but we’ll never be able to afford half of these dresses. I’m just going to have to settle for a shitty one.

“I don’t have much money” I remind Jack. He shrugs his shoulders and then whispers to me, “But I do”.

“We aren’t using your parents money Jack” I warn him off. The least I could do is leave his parents with the debt of my wedding dress.

“I have my own money Stella. Having over 3 million subscribers has its perks” He reminds me. He’s being completely serious. I can have anything I want. I look around the massive store and don’t even know where to start.

“What type of dresses do you like?” I ask Jack. He lifts his shoulders up and shrugs.

“Stella, I told you, you could be wearing nothing at all and I’ll still think you’re beautiful” He says sweetly. I give him a quick peck on the lips and walk away from him. He starts to follow me but I turn around and stop him.

“I want it to be a surprise. Please wait here” I instruct him. He looks disappointed for a second but then nods his head and walks back to the front of the shop. He takes a seat on the couch and starts playing with his phone. In the mean time, I walk into the shop and pick out my dress.

Although it takes me a while, I finally find the dress perfect for me. I’ve tried on about seventeen dresses and the shop assistant has finally helped me find something that fits perfectly. I run my hands over the lace and smile. This dress actually fits my figure perfectly. It shows off my curves and has a low cut in the back which adds on that extra sex appeal. Jack’s going to love it.

I get the shop assistant to wrap my dress up in a carry bag and when it comes to time to pay I call over Jack. He pulls out his credit card and pays for the dress. His face doesn’t fall like I expect it to when he hears the price of the dress. Even though I picked out a relatively average priced dress, it none the less is still very expensive. Especially for two students. Either way however, Jack doesn’t complain about the price. He merely swipes his card and pays for the dress without hesitation. I smile at the thought and snuggle up to him as we wait for the transaction to be approved. This seems to bring him happiness because he moves his arms straight around me and he kisses my forehead.

When the sale goes through, he finally whispers, “Lets go get married Stells”.

Three hours later, I’m finally standing in the building where Jack and I are getting married. The place isn’t over the top, but it’s quite cute. There’s a little chapel in a glass box outside overlooking the ocean. That is where we will get married. Jack’s standing in that box, probably in a suit and tie, waiting for me. In the meantime, I stare at myself in the mirror. I’ve finally gotten my dress on and Jack organised for one of his friends Zoella to come over and do my hair and make up. And I look beautiful. Normally I find something wrong with my appearance. But not today. I actually feel beautiful.

A knock on the door distracts me as I admire myself in the mirror.

“Stella, it’s time to get married” Zoella tells me sweetly. She has got to be the sweetest girl I’ve ever met and I love her for it. I open the door and give her a big smile. I’m so excited that I can’t even contain it. The moment she see’s me a tear strolls out of her eye and she pulls me in for a hug.

“Oh my Gosh, I’m such a sook. I’m sorry for crying” She apologises to me in her cute British accent.

“Well stop crying cause you’ll make me cry! Thank you so much for all you’ve done Zoella” I remind her.

She shakes her head, “No, thank you! You’ve changed Jacks life in so many ways and I am so grateful for that. Because of you, I have one of my best friends back. No more drugs, no more alcohol, no more staying out all night in dangerous areas... Stella, it’s all because of you! He actually visits me now and acts like a proper friend again. Thank you so much for saving him”

This time a tear starts to form in my eyes. The moment she sees it she practically hits me on my arm.

“You can’t cry, I just did your makeup!” She tells me off. I give her a little giggle and wipe my eyes.

I start to walk away down to thealter when I realise that I’ve got no one to give me away. I turn around and face Zoella.

“Zoella, I know I just met you, but I know you mean a lot to Jack... can you do me a favour?” I ask her.

She nods her head and says, “Anything”.

“Walk me down the aisle?” I ask her. She immediately bursts out into tears of excitement and jumps over to me. She links her arm in mine and I just take it that her answer is yes. Together, we start to walk down to the aisle.

As I turn the corner and see the alter for the first time, my heart rate immediately starts to rise. Standing at the alter is none other than my beautiful fiancé. He’s dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and a black bow tie. His hair is neatly pushed to one side and sitting on his face is the biggest grin I’ve ever seen. The moment our eyes meet my fears and worries all go away. All I can see is his beautiful eyes and his gorgeous smile.

Zoella and I finally reach the alter and my hands immediately find Jacks.

He whispers to me, “You look breathtaking”.

I give him a smile and mouth thank you before turning to the guy who is going to marry us off. He goes in to his introduction but I don’t really listen to him. All I can think of is Jack. His hands are rubbing mine softly and I get to stare at him for as long as I want.

My perving session is interrupted when Jack starts to say his vows.

“What can I say Stella? I’ve known you for... well not long at all. But that time has been the best time of my life. You’re the only one who understands me and even though you drive me up the wall, I want to be with you every day for the rest of my life. I can’t wait to go to sleep with you in my arms and wake up to a beautiful sight every day. And as of today, I promise to remind you of how absolutely beautiful you are every day and to never take you for granted. I love you with every bit of my inner being and I never want to let you go. You’ve changed my life for the better, and I can’t wait to mould the rest of my life around yours. I love you”.

He says. My eyes swell up in tears and I just let them fall down my face. His words are so beautiful and I don’t even know how to replicate something like that.

Either way, I give it a try. “Jack, there’s so much I want to say to you that I just can’t put into words. Because how do you put into words our love? We fight a lot, you make me want to kill you sometimes and you get on my nerves twenty four hours of the day. But to be honest, I would never have it any other way. The moments I spend with you are the best moments of my life. There’s not a second that goes by when I’m not thinking of you. I can’t put into words what you mean to me because you are my everything. I love you so much and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you”.

A single tear swells up in his eyes and I let go of his hand to wipe it off with my own. He smiles back at me and blows me a kiss.

Finally, the guy who is marrying us speaks up, “Well, you may now exchange rings”.

I panic for a short second when I realise that I don’t have Jack a ring. He sees me panicking and pulls out two rings. He hands me one and then grabs my hand to put the one he has on my finger. The moment he puts it on I practically faint. It’s so beautiful and shiny and I can’t get over how amazing it is.

On cue, I slide his ring on his finger.

Finally, the moment comes and Jack is told that he can kiss his bride. He smiles before he wraps both arms around my body and leans in to kiss me. Our lips meet and he leans me back and holds me up as we kiss for the first time as husband and wife.

Authors note: To see what I imagine Stella's dress to be, follow this link to my twitter :)

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