Chapter 29

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“What?” I ask him.

He stays completely silent and just looks away from me. I lift up my hand, still shaking, and turn his face to look at me. I look straight into his eyes and see hurt and concern.

“Say it again” I beg of him, needing to hear those beautiful words again. He brings his face closer to mine and closes his eyes.

“I never thought it was possible to fall for someone so fast but...” He takes a deep breath, “You make me feel like no one else. You’re mental shit drives me up the wall but I can’t get enough of you. You’re all I think about and I just...I love you so much”

As soon as he finishes talking I lean in and kiss him softly. He returns the kiss sweetly. Finally, we both pull away and he eventually opens his eyes.

“You drive me nuts Stella” He whispers to me. A smile grows on my lips as he says that.

“But you love me?” I tease him, waiting for him to say the words again.

He just purses his lips and nods, “Yes, I love you Stella”. I smile at his words and all the pain from the past few hours go away. It doesn’t matter that my families ditched me, that he treated me like crap before or that I’m not in Australia because all that matters is him.

“I love you too Jack Harries” I inform him. This brings a smile to his lips and he immediately goes in for the kiss. He leans over me as we kiss on the ambulance car. I can hear people moving around us but nobody seems to care. We eventually break apart and I snuggle up to him. His arm stays wrapped around me the whole time and I finally feel safe from danger. I shiver coldly in his arms and he tightens his grip around me.

“I swear I’m going to kill whoever did this to you” He informs me. I lean over and give him another quick kiss which he accepts willingly. As we wait patiently for the doctors or cops to give us the low down on whats happening, we continue to share moments of passion by embracing each other.  

Eventually, Alfie the cop comes up to me and Jack and Jack and I break apart from each other. He looks at Jack strangely for a second and then looks back towards his police car. After staring at the car for a couple of seconds he looks back towards us.

Jack and I both divert our attention to the car to see what’s so intriguing.

“What the actual fuck?” Jack says as soon as he realises whose in the car.

I look at Jack in total shock as I try to process what is happening.

“Please tell me that he didn’t just rob me” I ask Alfie and Jack, hoping that there is some sort of misunderstanding.

“I’m sorry” Alfie replies before leaving Jack and I alone for a second. The minute Alfie leaves Jack is on his feet and storming over to the police car.

 “Wait Jack!” I chase after him, barely catching up. I grab on to his waist and pull him backwards. He quickly takes my hands off him and turns to face me. His right hand cups my face.

“Stella, baby, please wait here” He asks of me.

“I won’t let you do something stupid” I tell him. He just shakes his head in anger.

“You see that guy sitting in that fucking car? Can you see who it is?” He asks me.

I nod and sigh, “Yes Jack, I can. But whatever you’re going to do, you need to calm down. You look like you’re going to kill him”.

“He deserves it” He replies.

“Jack” I say judgingly. He looks at me for a couple of moments before he shakes his head again.

“Stay here” He warns me before giving me a quick kiss on my forehead. This time I don’t stop him as he storms off in anger. He probably wouldn’t listen to me even if I tried anyway. I bite my lip in nervousness, simply praying that Jack doesn’t kill him. The moment Jack gets to the car, a police man jumps out and unlocks the passenger door.

My robber steps out of the car handcuffed and faces my dear Jack. He has a smug smile on his face which makes me want to hit him across the face. I wait for one of them to talk but it never comes. They just stare at each other, looking at their own mirror image for a good minute and a half.

“What the fuck Finn?” Jack screams at his twin brother. Finn doesn’t bother to answer which only aggravates Jack even more. I see Jack’s fist tighten up into a ball and my heart practically jumps out of my chest as he moves it smack bang into the centre of Finn’s face.

 The whole police academy is quick to act as things get violent. Alfie runs up and picks up Jack, pulling him away from Finn who is resting his back on the car. His nose is bleeding but Jack doesn’t seem to care. In fact, it looks like he wants more.

As Alfie carries him away, Jack screams at Finn, “Why the fuck would you do this? Why? Just fucking tell me why?”

Finn doesn’t reply as he falls to the ground in pain. I run over to Alfie as he tries to calm Jack down. I stand in front of Jack so he sees only me.

“Jack!” I shout at him. He looks at me for two seconds before diverting his eyes back to Finn.

“JACK! LOOK AT ME GOD DAMN IT” I repeat even louder. The whole street starts to look at me but I don’t care. I finally have his attention and that’s all I need.

“We need to go. The police will handle Finn but we have to leave. Now” I order. He doesn’t say anything, indicating his disagreement. Luckily for me, Alfie interrupts.

“She’s right. Let’s go. We’ll walk to your house” He instructs, starting to pull Jack along with him. Jack doesn’t make it easy for Alfie but with my help, we slowly get Jack to move along the street and further away from Finn. 

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