Crooked Smile

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"Well that went well." I mumbled to myself after slamming the car door once inside.

I just left the gym. I went to go workout but I decided to leave after being harassed by niggas.

I mean I get it kind of but when a girl says leave her alone, that's what she means and they just never get it, never.

The gym is only about five minutes from my house, it took me no time to get there.

Once inside my house I went upstairs to Keenon and plopped on the bed next to him.

"You're back early, why?" He asked as I knew he would.

"Don't even wanna talk about that." I muttered. I picked up his fork and cut off a piece of his cheesecake. "Where'd you get this from?"

"Don't take my stuff without asking again and I got it from ShopRite yesterday when we went."

"Hmm, I didn't see you get that."

"Yeah well...I did."

"I'm so hungry babe like you don't even understand. Can I have the rest?"

"Go ahead."

I snacked on the food while telling him what happened at the gym. All his comments were mmhm, oh and wow.

"Babe what's wrong?"

He turned his head to me. "What you mean?"

"You seem... I don't know, upset."

He shook his head and looked away from me. "I'm alright."

"No you're not." I oppose. "Keenon look at me." When he does, his eyes are red and blurry. "Aww baby what's wrong?" My eyes started to get wet seeing him upset. Samething that happens with King when I know he's really upset.

He shakes his head again, my common sense tells me, it's about his mom. This occasionally happens he gets all upset but only one time he actually told me that it's because of his mom so I just assume all the other times is because of it too.

{Sunday October 9th - 11 pm}

"Got the club going crazy, all the bitches but my eyes on you," I listen to Teyana quietly sing as she sits comfortably on my lap.

We're at my friend Chris's barbecue. King is playing basketball out front with other little kids and Kierra is sleep on the couch inside.

"I'm tired." Teyana lays her head on my shoulder and her thumbs twiddle in her lap.

"You were just hungry a second ago. You just bored." I replied.

"Bored, hungry and most of all, tired."

"Go to sleep then." I wrap my arms around her. "You cold?" It's really breezy, I mean I know it's October but still.

She nods. "I know you are, I told you not to wear that short ass dress."

"Did you want me to wear a sweatsuit YG?"

"I don't care what wore except that dress, you not at no club yo."

"Whatever." She sighs and closes her eyes. I cover her with my jacket. It won't do much but hopefully it will help.

"When are we leaving?"

"You wanna leave now?"

"Yes, babe I'm tired I already said that."

"Don't get smart or we'll be here all night."

"Shut up I will walk, me and my kids will walk."

"No the fuck you won't. You don't even like walking up the steps."

She giggles, "Whatever I'm ready to go now."


She stood up and stretched, grabbed my hand and made me stand up.

While she was in the house getting Kierra, I said bye to everybody and got King.

"You really look crazy Teyana. I can basically see your ass." I complain, following Teyana to the car.

"Keenon shut the fuck up about what I'm wearing, I'm grown!"

"Who you yelling at yo?"

"You Keenon, what the hell are you gonna do."

I chuckled, "Don't get fucked up Teyana, don't do it."

"Oh shut the fuck up Keenon."

"You gon' stop talking to me reckless Teyana and I ain't playing with you."

She turned around sharply, "What the fuck are you gonna do?" A half a second goes by. "Exactly what I fucking thought, don't start with me."

"I will really smack the shit outta you."

"Do it then!"

The whole ride I ain't say nothing because I know I will & she knows I will, I don't need to prove what I'm capable of.

"Stop stealing the covers from me girl!"
I snatched them back.

"It's cold as hell in the house all I wanna do is be warm." She rebuts.

"Come here then."

"No I don't wanna be near you."

"Why you lying?" I move closer to her instead.

"I'm not, you stink."

"You're lying I just took a shower."

"And that soap stinks, smells like a grand pop."

"Lie again, you bought it."

"To trick you." She yawns.

I wrap my arms around her and kiss on her neck until she turns around.

She kisses my lips and lays her head on my chest.

"I lied, it smells great."

I smiled and grabbed her butt.


"Yes it's yours Keenon, don't even gotta ask."

"Let me beat it then."


"No girl and that's when- AHHHHHHH!" I dropped my phone on the ground seeing this big ass mouse scurry across my damn bedroom floor.

"BAAAAAABE!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

He comes into the room holding Kierra, who is wrapped in a towel, she was just taking a bath.

"What is it now." Keenon has hickeys all over him and it's actually kind of amusing to me. I giggle for a second hit then come back to reality, "I just saw a fucking rat Keenon!"

"It wasn't a rat Teyana, it's a mouse."
Keenon starts moisturizing Kierra's body. "Tell ya' mommy to stop being dramatic." Kierra looks at me and laughs.

"I'm not being dramatic, I saw a fucking mouse."

"I told you I was gonna call the exterminator."

"This is my first time seeing it."

"I saw it like 7 times. There's like a whole family of them." He grins at me being annoying.

"Oh shut the hell up."

"You need to hurry up and call shit. We need to move out."

"Right, and you're not dramatic."

___________________________SORRY FOR BEING GONE SO LONG.

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