Blood On The Leaves

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"Keenon I got an email yesterday from a lady who's tattoo you did." My boss, Jeffery, says.


"I received bad feedback."


"The lady, I believe her name was Michelle, she said the you were touching too aggressively on her behind."

"What the fuck?! Fuck her, nobody wanted to do a tattoo on her flabby ass cheek anyway. Like who the fuck even gets tattooed on their ass?"

"Keenon calm down."

"No! What's the conclusion Jeffery what the fuck are you telling me that for?"

"Keenon go home, I understand you had a long day and you were not expecting to hear this from me so we can continue this conversation tomorrow."

I shook my head an left his office. I walked into my office and finished my last cleanings.

I grabbed my Bompton hat and left.

My phone started ringing, it was Teyana so I answered.

"What's up?"

"Hey, can you pick up some Similac please?"


"Thanks bye."

My job is about 27 minutes from home, right on Long Beach BLVD. Close to Compton so while I was here I decided to see my sister.

I went to the A&S Market before going to my sister house. There were kids all in the street. I drove slow. Wayne, one of Koryn's neighbors, was outside. I'm quite pissed cause he talks a lot.

I tried to walk up the driveway quickly without making eye contact.

"YG?" Tarryn's voice called.

I roll my eyes.

"Tarryn? What's up homie?" I dappled him.

"None much. How you doing?"

"Pretty well."

"Yeah? I ain't seen you around, you know you used to be around here erryday."

"Man I moved a while ago."

"To where?"


"Paramount." I lie, I ain't about to tell this nigga where I moved. Shit he's the reason why I left Compton.

I ended the conversation abruptly and knocked on the door.

She answered almost immediately.

By the look on her face I could tell something was wrong. She was upset about something.

She sniffed and turned her head to look back in the house.

She clears her through. "H-Hey."

"What's up, you alright?"

She shrugged. "I don't know."

"Can I come inside?"

She moves out the way. Inside the house was a mess. In the kitchen there were broken glass plates cracked on the floor. Baby toys all of the floor. Just a mess.

I leaned on her couch and asked her what is wrong.

"Nothing." She shakes her head.

"C'mon you can tell m-"

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