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(Lea's Pov)

A week passed by faster than I could blink an eye. It was once again the weekend and I couldn't be happier that I could finally get away from work. Don't get me wrong, my job was at an old thrift shop, I just worked as the cashier.

The reason I was happy it was over, was because one of my co-workers, John, found the need to continuously flirt with me. I was flattered at first, but after I had kindly declined one of the many dates he offered, he found the need to continue his games.

He was okay looking. Chocolate brown eyes and dark brown hair. He was tall and quite lanky. I just didn't find much interest in him. 

I was just happy to be away from him.

I shook off my thoughts and poured the macaroni in to two white bowls. I placed a fork inside each and put them on the dining table, grabbing a jug of orange juice and two stacked glasses.

"Kids, lunch is ready!" I announced, unstacking the cups and pouring the orange juice inside the glasses. I heard distant footsteps approaching, before Sophia and Drew came into sight. I smiled.

"Yes, macaroni and cheese." Drew clapped. I chuckled, watching as the two settled down and began eating their food.

"Enjoy it and remember, no talking with your mouth open." I reminded them. They nodded, happily eating their meal.

I knew they loved that dish.

I wandered back into the living room, finding stacks of colorful paper lying around. Mess made by no other than Sophia and Drew, Miller. I sighed, picking up the papers and placing them into a neat stack on top of the table.

I sighed, seeing another red one resting on the ground. I picked it up, glancing down at it, brows furrowing when seeing words instead of a drawing or scribbles that they normally did.

I bit down on my bottom lip, as I began reading it.

Dear Dad, 

Wherever you are.

Hi dad, I'm Drew, your son. I'm five years old, almost six soon. My mom's told me lots about you. She's said your strong, tall, muscly with tattoos. She's even told me I sort of look like you, but I don't if it's possible for someone to be good looking as me.

Anyways, that's not the point. I'm writing to you, only because I wish I knew you. My mom promised she'd let me and Sophia (my twin) meet you one day, and I can't wait for that day to come.

I want a superhero of my own. I can't wait to to meet you dad. My mom said your super cool, smart and have a big business you run.

I hope I can meet you soon, dad. I can't wait to call someone dad. Everyone in school does and here's a little secret. It sometimes makes me sad and a little jealous.

But that doesn't matter. I can't wait to meet you. I hope it's soon. And maybe you mom, Sophia and me can be a happy family.

From: Drew

PS. Here's a list of things I want for my last five birthdays, that you went there for.

- A new basketball

- A new Batman action figure

- An Ice-cream maker

- Tickets to meet Kevin Durant

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