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(Eric's Pov)

I entered the house, shutting the front door behind me. A tried yawn left my lips, making my eyes water slightly.

Finally. I thought.

I was back from another long, tiresome day at work. It consisted of meetings, meetings, meetings and more meetings

My head was throbbing with a migraine and though my body may have especially hurt and felt like shit. My mental state was another story. My lips curled into a half-smile, before I was able to stop it. I was...somewhat coming back to life...

I was close to being cured...

Four years ago, when I was labelled, the word; depressed. It was because, I felt as if there was a hole in my heart. A deep pain occurring in my heart, at the loss of her presence. And betrayal. I couldn't function properly. I would find myself at work, home, anywhere - dozing off and thinking about her.

I felt...lifeless. I had no real sense of living. The woman, I had finally grown to love - had walked away from me. Not alone, but with our children. I was hurting, badly, and I had been for a long time.

In a short period of time, roughly five months, I had grown so attached to Lea and to have her taken away - it just broke me. Everyone around me; Janice, Ma, dad, Jaxon, even my close work colleagues, they all noticed the change in me.

So, I was forced to see the doctors - against my will. And on that very day, I found out what I was suffering from. Depression.

But after so long, all the emotions my body hadn't felt for so long. All those feelings, that had died out. Were returning. Returning to me and my body. The hole in my heart, it was slowly building back. And the was still there, but distant. As well as the betrayal.

I was near to being cured from my depression.

Well, that's what I thought.

I hadn't seen the doctor to confirm that. But I, myself, could feel my insides working again. All so slowly.

And it was all because of three people. Drew, Sophia and dare I say it...Lea.

No matter how much her disappearance, her betrayal, hurt me... She would always find a way to make me happy and smile.

After all, she's an angel.

I shook off my thoughts, placing my briefcase down and entered the living room. The expected sight of my children on the ground, coloring, entered my view. A smile curled onto my lips and I felt a satisfied layer grow in my stomach. This was what I longed to see and finally did, after five years.

"Daddy!" Sophia chirped, when spotting me. My grin grew and I got down to my knees, so I was their height. My arms opened, awaiting for her tiny body to embrace me. She giggled, picking herself up and skipping towards me. When she reached me, I scooped her into my arms.

"Dad!" Drew grinned, jumping over.

"Champ." I chuckled, embracing him into a hug. They both wrapped their arms around me, tightly. 

"How was your day?" I asked him, leaning my back against the sofa. They both settled down on my lap and looked at me, Sophia playing with my shirt's collar. They pursed their lips, and put on a contemplating look.

"Boring, if I'm being honest." Drew drawled out. I raised a brow.

"Why's that?" I playfully squeezed his small stomach. He yelped in surprise.

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