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(Lea's Pov)

My thoughts were wild the next morning. When I woke up, I found the twins beside me, both in deep sleep. I had let out a breath of relief, almost forgetting about them last night. Speaking of it...I still felt as I were on cloud nine.


From the touch of his lips, to his soft, yet rough, caressing finger tips.

It was magical.

A sensational feeling, I found myself craving for a long time. I just didn't know of it. Well, until last night.

But there was also a downside to what had happened. While Eric and I had finally crossed all limits. I - we both had forgotten he was a married. He was still a married man and to...Janice.

The devil.

Although a huge part of my enjoyed what had happened, there was a tiny part of me which regretted it. Once, Eric was mine. He truly was my world, the love of my life - but I let him go, because of a threat made by no other than herself.

Janice had threatened me if I didn't divorce Eric - she'd make my life a living hell. And although I should have never payed it any attention, I knew she would live up to her word. She wanted Eric - she was greedy for his love.

I wasn't going to give Eric up so easily, in-fact, I denied her. But then she pointed something out to me, which changed everything.

"He'll never love you."

To this very day, when I see him - the words are still there, but at the back of my mind.

But that wasn't why I regretted letting Eric pleasure me. No, it was Janice. If she could make a threat like that five years ago, I wondered what she'd do to me now. Only if she were to find out - which I hoped she never would.

While I was busy in my thoughts, the twins woke up and hugged me, saying they didn't mean to upset me with the party. They apologized for planning the party with Eric and never intended to anger or hurt me.

Little did they know how happy it had made me.

Instead, I think I surprised them by giving them a large bear hug and a kiss.

"Thank you, the both of you. You didn't make me sad at all, you made me so happy."

I had truthfully told them.

This birthday...would be one I'd never forget.

And so here I currently was, watching the children play on the console Eric had brought for them two weeks ago. My heart deflated as the taunting reminder played in my mind. This was my third week here, meaning I'd leave in one.

Time was running out.

A month was about to complete itself.

And even though how I hated to say this - I had grown attached. Once again. I'm not sure what I was exactly attached to. The old memories, which would play in my mind of Eric's and I's past, every now and then. Or Eric...himself.

This place just meant a lot to me.

Absentmindedly, I played with my necklace and smiled, thinking back to last night. It all just seemed too perfect to be real, something which only happened in fairy tales. But it did happen and I had proof.

The beautiful angel wing necklace, I had around my neck.

And a mark on my neck, caused by no other than Eric himself.

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