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(Narrator's Pov)

Although the event from two days ago still had her upset, she managed to muster up a smile. She looked over her figure, dressed in a floor reaching burgundy dress. It was tight, and showed off her torso, pushing her breast up slightly. The sleeves hanged off her shoulders. The long skirt, flowed down her body, keeping it modest.

Her hair was left out in brown waves, light makeup on her face and false pearls on display around her neck. Earrings to match along. She looked beautiful, she thought. It made the smile she had on her lips turn into a genuine one.

Her eyes landed on the two figures dressed formally, sitting on the bed. Sophia had her hair up in a neat ponytail, tied with a red bow to match her dress. Drew wore a white button up, paired with dress pants, his white sneakers tied on his feet.

"What do you think?" Lea turned her body around to face the two. They both nodded, clapping at their mother.

"You look like a Queen, mommy!" Sophia exclaimed. Drew nodded along. She couldn't help but grin and blush slightly. She truly did feel like one in the dress Vanessa had insisted she wore. It was Jaxon's engagement party and on short notice, she was told to dress herself and the kids.

A knock sounded on the door and she cleared her throat.

"Come in." She softly said. The door turned open and in stepped Vanessa, smiling widely at the sight.

"My, Lea, you look beautiful!" She gushed, her eyes wondering over her figure. Lea smiled, thankful. 

"So do you." She honestly said. It was true. Vanessa had her hair clipped back and wore an elegant dark blue gown. Similar to Lea's, but had small diamonds on the torso.

"Grandma!" The two chirped in sync, running towards her. She chuckled, welcoming them into her arms.

"You two look adorable." She pinched their cheek. Lea watched with a smile.

"Well, we better get going. The dinner starts soon." Vanessa motioned for her to follow. Lea's brows furrowed.

"Dinner? I thought it was a party?" She questioned in confusion. Vanessa chuckled.

"Honestly, dear, I have no idea what to call it. One day I'm hearing it's a party, then the next, a dinner. You'll have to ask Jaxon or Chloe." She mumbled, shaking her head. She smiled lightly, but still worried.

"Will we be overdressed?" She asked. Vanessa chuckled, shaking her head.

"No. I'm certain of it, dear. Jaxon made sure to dress formal, that's all I got out if it." Vanessa told her as they made their way downstairs. Lea holding onto Drew's hand whilst Vanessa held Sophia's.

"We'll just have to wait and see." She said, and Lea went along with it. When they stepped downstairs, they stood in the hallway, slipping on their coats. It was slightly cold outside.

"Where's Jeremy?" Lea asked, helping Sophia zip up hers, before doing the same with Drew.

"He's already there. I told him I'd ride with you." Vanessa smiled, making Lea mimic it. The sound of deep footsteps echoing down the stairs, rung in their ears. Lea couldn't help the light shiver which ran down her spine as she thought about Eric.

He appeared in sight, dressed in his formal suit, his hair freshly slicked back and his stubble shaved off. His eyes landed on the beauty dressed in a burgundy gown and he had to make sure his mouth didn't snap open in surprise.

They both locked gazes, examining one another.

Handsome, she thought.

Beautiful, he thought.

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