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(Lea's Pov)

"It's been sorted." Eric announced, a grin playing on his lips. I let out a shaky grin, followed by a deep breath.

"Everything?" I hopefully asked. He nodded.

"Everything - you have nothing to worry about." He assured me. I took a moment, letting it all sink in.

I was officially leaving my life back in Oklahoma, and restarting it here, in Denver. Eric had taken it upon himself to call my boss and announce my decision of quitting. He even called Drew and Sophia's school, informing the principal they'd no longer be attending there.

Lastly, he got movers to pack up all of our remaining belongings in our apartment, and bring them here. Everything was sorted. It was official that I'd be staying here...again.

How I felt about this situation, was confusing. One part of me was happy, joyous for the kids, for they were finally able to see their father everyday. Also, this state meant a lot to me. I had grown up in it - it was home to me.

But then there was another part of me which felt completely different. I...I  was scared. Scared that I'd gain another heartbreak. As time would go on, there would have to be times I walk in on Eric and Janice - doing things...things my heart would churn at.

I'd have to live everyday of my life, witnessing the two. And I didn't think I was strong enough to live through it all. But the only thing that kept me going, was my children's happiness. And his.

"Thank you for sorting it all out." I quietly told him. He nodded, smiling small as he peered down at me from his tall height.

"You're welcome. But, thank you...thank you for choosing to stay." He whispered. My heart skipped a beat and hesitantly, I took a step forward, reaching out to hold his hand. His eyes shot up from the sudden gesture.

"I'd do anything for you...and the twins happiness. If us staying, gains a smile from you, so be it." I told him softly. His eyes never left mine, and I watched as a glint of emotions crossed his eyes. 

"Come on, let's tell the kids. I'm sure they'll be more than thrilled." I stepped back, dropping my hand from his. He cleared his throat, nodding. I inhaled a deep breath, still feeling the warm tingles from his touch.

Mustering up a smile, I took a step inside the living room, where I knew the kids would be. As I assumed, they sat on the ground, chatting whilst drawing. 

"Kids," I called, catching their attention. Their heads snapped in my direction, both grinning. Eric stood beside me. 

"We...we have some important news to share with you." I announced. I glanced at Eric, who wore a small smile on his lips. He nodded at me, reassuringly.

"What is it, mommy?" Sophia asked, with a confused pout on her lips. I exhaled softly, biting down on my bottom lip.

"Well, you guys like it here, right?" I started off. A gentle approach would be less surprising. Although I knew the twins would be thrilled with the news they'd receive, I still wanted to be cautious and not throw it straight out. 

Slow and steady.

"Yes! Love it!" Drew chirped up. I shot him a smile, letting go of my lip, which was latched between my teeth.

"Well, your dad and I figured it would be better if we move here." I slowly said. 

"We're moving in." I declared. The two's eyes widened, both furrowing, before slowly beaming in happiness.

"Seriously, Ma?" Drew asked with a grin.

"Seriously." I chuckled. Sophia stood up, running to hug my leg. I smiled, hugging her back.

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