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(Lea's Pov)

I was restless. A mess as I lay in bed, my mind never once turning off. It had happened, the inevitable, had happened. 

I let out a shaky breath, turning on my side, so I wasn't facing my two children and instead, a wall. Happy, was the perfect word to describe them. Both brightly smiling whilst they got ready for bed. Both non-stop talking about their father.

The corner of my lips curved into a half-smile, before it dropped back into a emotionless straight line. Although they were happy, I couldn't find myself to say the same. 

"I'll never forgive you."

His words, so cold, so cruel, so distant, so pained - replaying in my mind like a broken record. I closed my eyes tightly, inhaling a deep breath. I still couldn't comprehend this had all happened.

One thousand, eighty hundred and twenty five days - 1825. A big number. It had been that many days, since I had faced him. So many days, so many weeks, months and years. And it all resulted with him hating me.

My throat churned and my heart sunk as I continued to remember his face and all the words which had left his soft, pink lips. I felt a tear fall from eye and land on the pillow, staining it with a light water patch.

I sniffled, reaching out to wipe off the tears. I pushed the comforter off of me and sat up, peering down at my children who were in deep sleep.

"I'm doing this for you. Only for you two." I whispered to them. I swallowed the unwelcoming gulp in my throat, and pushed myself up from the bed. I slipped on my slippers and dragged a hand across my face, getting rid of any tear stains.

I shook my head, ruffling a hand through my hair before tying it up into a loose ponytail. I sighed, leaning against the wall. 

I was nowhere near tired. After everything that had happened today, I wasn't close to being tired. I bit down on my bottom lip, contemplating on what to do. I could either go back into bed and try my hardest to fall asleep, or go downstairs for a glass of warm milk or water.

After mentally thinking over my options, I went for the second one. I could do with a glass of milk or water, especially since my throat was quite dry. I quietly bounced down the stairs, making sure not to wake anyone up. After all, I was a guest at this house.

I shook off my thoughts, feeling uneasy.

I definitely could do with a glass of water.

I stepped into the kitchen, only to find the lights on, yet nobody inside. I frowned, furrowing my brows as my eyes grazed over the room, looking for anybody, somebody. I shrugged it off and made my way over to the fridge.

I took out a glass from the cabinet, trying not to roll my eyes at the box of 'Fine China' at the near back. I rinsed the glass, before pouring some milk in it, clumsily missing some and causing it to land on the floor.

"Shoot." I mumbled to myself, quickly clamping the lid over the milk carton and putting it back inside the fridge. I looked around the kitchen for the tissue roll and tore off two sheets when I found it. 

It was when I stepped back and accidentally slipped on the small milk puddle, I suddenly lost balance and gripped onto anything, closing my eyes and awaiting my fall. My heart jumped when the familiar feeling of his muscular arms, welcomed me in his embrace.

My heart was thumping at an uncontrollable speed. My chest pushed up against his and my hands clutched his hard bicep, the other flat out on the counter. It was silent, the only sound to be heard was our breathing.

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