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(Lea's Pov)

It was around six pm when the door bell rang. My brows furrowed as I hesitantly picked myself up from the sofa. The twins were busy filling in some math worksheets I had printed off. Of course at first I earned whines and moans from them, but in the end, they gave in.

After all, it would benefit them when they'd start at their new school. I had already enrolled them at a school near by and while I was at it, I found myself a small job. Sure, I was living under Eric's roof for the timing being, but as months went by, I planned on moving out.

Living at his house, was always. I had come to realize, that I'd never live here for the rest of my life. That all seemed too good to be true. And I had accepted that it'd never happen. 

When I had went to open the door, I was met with the sight of Ma and Jeremy. An instant grin appeared on my lips and I welcomed them inside. It was a nice surprise to have them over, also, it'd help relax my mind. I sort of needed to have a one on one chat with Ma. She always understood me.

I wanted to share some news about Eric and I...not all of it, like the magical ending to my birthday. I would tell her that we had kissed and how I had accepted to living under his roof. I wanted to see her thoughts on the situation, because I...well, I was lost.

I didn't think I could live under his roof, only to witness him and Janice everyday. I wasn't strong enough.

"Lea," I heard Ma's soft voice call. I shook off my thoughts, smiling as I turned to face her.

"Yes, Ma?" 

She narrowed her eyes at me, putting down the knife she was previously cutting the carrots with. As always, we found ourselves in the kitchen, cooking up dinner. It turned out, Jeremy and Ma came over for a reason. 

They didn't think it was necessary to give us any sort of warning, before inviting the family over for dinner at his house. Instead of it just being the seven of us, Jaxon and his fiance would be coming over. Therefore, we found ourselves cooped up in the kitchen.

"What are you thinking about?" She gently asked, glancing at me as she wiped her hands with a towel. I twisted my lips to the side, glancing down at the electric stove, heating up and boiling the potatoes.

"A lot of things, actually." I sighed. My eyes darted up at Ma, and as I thought, she was already looking at me.

"Care to share?" She smiled small. I felt my lips twitch slightly, but my smile didn't reach my eyes.

"I've...I've decided to stay." I announced, quietly. I watched as Ma paused, her eyes widening as she stared up at me.

" what?!" She breathed, surprised and sounding excited. My lips curled into a grin, my teeth peaking out.

"I've decided to stay here, in Denver." I repeated. A small breath left her lips and before I knew it, she quickly rushed over and engulfed me into a large bear hug. I let out a yelp of surprise, not hesitating to embrace her back.

"Oh my God! I can't believe it!" She squealed. I chuckled, as she swayed us side to side, showing off just how thrilled she was about the news. She pulled back, a toothy grin playing on her lips.

"You don't even know how remotely happy that made me feel!" She exclaimed. I smiled, glancing down at the ground.

"But when did you decide this? Does Eric know?" She questioned. I nodded, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"Yeah, it was kind of an agreement we decided to make together." I told her. She nodded, the grin never once leaving her lips.

"This is brilliant! You, my daughter, you're back again." She breathed. I couldn't stop the smile from growing after hearing her call me her daughter.

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