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(Lea's Pov)

A grin played on my lips as I looked at the twins. The two were busy making silly faces at one another, trying to have a 'Who Laughs First' competition. I found the whole idea amusing and silly as I watched the two.

"What's that even supposed to be?" I heard Drew ask. I picked up the already folded clothes from the blue suitcase laid out on the bed, before putting it inside the wardrobe. Last night, the rest of our belongings had finally arrived. So, here I spent the following morning, putting everything away.

"Janice." Sophia whispered, I presumed for not me to hear. Giggles sounded in my ears and I couldn't help but grin at them. I shook my head, rolling my eyes as I put the last of Drew's T-shirts away.

"And I'm done." I announced, huffing a sigh as I zipped up the empty suitcase and placed it under the bed.

"Yay! Yay! Can we go and play now?" Drew asked, sounding hopeful. I pursed my lips, my eyes darting between the two.

"Have you both completed the English worksheet I gave you?" I arched a brow. Sophia's head bounced in response, while Drew remained in the same position. 

"Drew..." I dragged out. He sighed.

"I only have two questions left." He whined.

"Finish them first and then you can go play. Sophia you can go." I shot her a smile. She grinned, but paused when looking at her frowning brother.

"I'll help you." She offered and he didn't hesitate to take it up. My heart warmed and I shook my head, smiling.

It was a bond like theirs that reminded me of Mary and I. My stomach clenched and a layer of remorse built in my stomach. When we were children, it was just the two of us. Although she was loved more by the people who gave birth to us, she treated me with equality.

With love.

Although it may sound weird - the two of us never argued. We got along, just like two peas in a pod. She was there to turn to when I was a mess. Equally, how I was to her. 

We were there for one another. 

However, time had changed. Five years of no contact, brought great consequences. What seemed like hatred and definite anger, from her. I just longed for us to go back to how it used to be. 

Back to when we were kids...

And suddenly, I felt motivated to talk with her. To set things straight.

My bubble of thoughts were popped when the familiar figure stepped inside. His strong, delicious cologne, flooded my nostrils. I silently hummed, looking up at him. My heart lifted at the sight.

His defined, toned torso wore a silky blue shirt, rolled up to his elbows and exposing his inked arms. Perfectly fitted on his legs, he wore his usual black pants. His feet were bare and his hair a mess of dark blonde hair. I blinked repeatedly when noticing I was staring.

Clearing my throat, I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Yesterday, I went to get a trim, my hair now reaching my shoulders. The kids loved it, saying I suited it. But I wasn't sure, all I knew was that my hair had gotten too long and was in need for a cut.

I swallowed as I watched him speak to the children, a grin growing onto both their faces. His jaw clenched with every word which left his plump, luscious lips. And suddenly, my mind thought back to the night they touched mine.

I let out a shaky breath, fidgeting with the the hem of my grey, short sleeve top. I tried to pull my eyes away from Eric, but found myself struggling. His beauty captivated me. The love I held for him overpowered my brain.

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