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(Lea's Pov)

A small breath left my lips as I pulled my hair into a neat ponytail. It was a Saturday afternoon, and my mind was a mess from thinking about last night. Just as I had thought, Eric wasn't pleased to see Mark. 

On my birthday night, when Mark had danced with me, I knew Eric wasn't anywhere near thrilled about it. He was possessive later on. He marked me as his that night, yet I wasn't his. He acted out on the emotion I felt whenever I saw him and Janice together.


He was jealous.

A part of me tingled in smugness...and warmth. If he was jealous, that meant he still held feelings for him. But another part of me was worried. Worried that he'd act out on his anger, which came along with his envy. Not only that, but he'd be hurting too.

I didn't want that for him.

I just wanted to go back to a time where everything was perfect between us. Sadly, that period only lasted just over two months. 

I shook off my thoughts, clearing my throat as I turned my back from the small mirror. I hadn't seen him all day, at first I thought he would be busy with kids, but when I went to check up on the twins - he was nowhere to be seen.

However, I couldn't say the same for Janice. At breakfast, she wouldn't hesitate to throw a remark my way about me 'finally finding a new man and moving on from Eric'. Of course I ignored her words and glared at her in return.

She was trying to find any opportunity to get me worked up, so I would lash out on her, just so Eric could coincidentally walk in and have her play the victim.

I wasn't falling for her trap.

I licked my lips as I stepped outside my room, closing the door shut behind me. It was around three pm, and realized I didn't have much to do. Reading was still one of my biggest hobbies, but as the twins grew older, I had less time to read. Therefore, I lost track of my favorite authors books and any new books out there trending.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a low cough, entering my ears. My brows furrowed in confusion and curiosity got the better of me. The coughing grew louder and concern fought its way into me.

My feet lead me towards the direction it was coming from, confusion and shock weighing down on me when I found myself standing outside Eric's room. His door was closed, but the audible sound of sick coughing could be heard.

Without a second thought, I turned the door open, stepping inside. My eyes landed on a sight, sympathy and concern washing inside of me. Looking distressed and sternly uncomfortable, Eric lay in the middle of his large bed.

He held a grimace as he spat out his phlegm inside the bin, placed on the left of his bed. I frowned, my heart tugging in sadness from looking at the sight. I silently inched closer towards him, watching as he huffed uncomfortably, fixing the comforter over himself.

It was only when he looked up, he locked eyes with me. His hair was a mess, strands standing up in all sorts of directions. Under his eyes were dark bags, indicating he hadn't gotten any sleep from his difficult state. His brows furrowed in confusion as his eyed landed on me.

"What are you doing here?" He rasped out, his voice sounding sick. I frowned even deeper, walking over towards him and stopping when standing a foot away from him.

"You're sick." I mumbled. He arched a brow, exhaling as he ran a hand through his hair.

"You don't say, Sherlock." He muttered. I pursed my lips, rolling my eyes at his attitude. 

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