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(Lea's Pov)

A soft groan left my lips as I shifted around. Warm breaths brushed against my neck, making me slowly open my eyes. I blinked repeatedly, pausing to take a breath as I looked up at the ceiling. It was when I looked beside me, memories from last night flashed across my mind.

Every look, every touch, every word - all still so fresh in my mind. I glanced down, seeing Eric's muscular arm swung around my waist. His face was buried into the side of my neck. A smile quivered onto my lips and with shaky hands I reached out, running a hand gently across his arm.

I still couldn't believe it. For a second, I thought it was all just a dream and I was going to wake up any second, but when I felt those tingles - I knew it was real.

He was real.

He was really here.

Swiftly, I turned on my side so I was facing him. A blush burned on my cheeks as I remembered we were both nude under the covers. My eyes widened in realization. We were in a guest bedroom. 

I just prayed nobody heard us.

With a soft sigh, I brushed my fingertips against his cheeks. Surprising me, his eyes fluttered open, a drowsy grin playing on his heart-shaped lips. We held a steady gaze, never daring to break it off. 

"Angel," The name left his lips. Warmth built in my stomach and my smile widened. God, I heard him say it before. But hearing him say it did things to my heart. And the reminder of him forgiving me, replayed in my mind.

"God, it feels so good to have you back in my arms." He lowly said, pulling me into him. My heart skipped a beat, as he buried his face in my bare chest. A gasp of surprise left my lips. He chuckled at the surprised sound which left my lips.

"E-Eric, we need to go back before somebody n-notices we're missing." I stuttered, trying to function properly while his warm breath hit my nipples. Puckering them up instantly. It was times like this, I wished my breast weren't so sensitive.

As if he took pity, he pulled back, running a hand across my stomach. Inches away from my sex.

"It's only four in the morning." He told me, licking his lips as he dragged his hand across my stomach, as if he was teasing me. I narrowed my eyes at him. Bile was growing in my throat as I let the words slip from my mouth.

"What about Janice? She'll notice you aren't beside her in bed." I choked out.

"She won't." He instantly replied, almost like a growl. I slowly nodded, biting down on my bottom lip.

"Fuck, that shit drives me crazy, Lea. You already know that." He groaned, his fingers unlatching my lip which was trapped between my teeth. A blush painted onto my cheeks.

"Sorry," I squeaked out.

"It's like you're trying to get me hard this early in the morning." He chuckled softly in my ears. I rolled my eyes, grinning as I playfully hit him on his shoulder.

"Go back to sleep, Angel. I'll wake you up in two hours." He whispered, kissing my forehead as he tucked me into him. With a drowsy smile, I slowly let my eyes close and I once again was welcomed into a comforting sleep.


(Eric's Pov)

I ran a comb through my blonde hair, letting it slick back to how I styled it. I had just stepped outside the shower and I could happily say, I was in a great mood. Of course it was only because of one person; Lea.

After last night, I could say without a doubt, that it was all Lea. She was the one who was behind my smile, the one behind my good mood and I was happy. I was happy that finally, after so long - I felt complete.

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