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(Eric's Pov)

"Fuck me," I cursed, groaning as I tugged at the ends of my hair. 

"I can't believe that shit just really happened." I heard Jaxon say, making me grow even more pissed off. I was pissed off at myself for being a big mouth and yapping on about the truth, but I didn't think she'd be standing there. Let alone fucking listening.

"I'm so fucked, man. She fucking knows." I muttered to myself, clenching my jaw. It was never my intention for Janice to know the truth about our 'marriage'. I knew one day she'd find out and that'd be by me. My own choice. But not by eavesdropping.

Plus, I just wasn't ready.

"Yeah, and here I thought I was going to be the one to screw it up by being the one who speaks about it - but it was you." He snorted, laughter to soon following. With a hard glare sent his way, by no other than myself, his laughter slowly weighed down to silence.

"Hey, I'm just saying." He defensively said, putting his hands up as if he was surrendering. I rolled my eyes, picking myself up.

"Shit, man. What the fuck do I do?" I asked, my teeth grinding together in frustration. Jaxon sent me a sympathetic look, shrugging.

"I don't know. Watch your mouth? You tend to speak on a lot." He joked, yet I found no amusement from his words. Rather than helping me calm down and give me some sort of advice, the asshole was joking about the situation as if it were nothing serious.

"Jaxon, say more stupid shit like that and I won't hesitate to beat your ass." I muttered, giving him a deadly look. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, bro."

"And your little shit ass could have told me she was standing there. Instead, you let me talk on." I pointed out at him.

"Hey, I didn't know she was standing there until you were finished exposing the truth. Don't try blame me when we both know it was you who couldn't keep their mouth shut." He argued. With a sigh, I dragged a hand down my face.

"What do I do, man?" I let out in a strangled whisper. I glanced at Jaxon, who shot me another sympathetic look. With a sigh, he shrugged.

"I honestly don't know. But If I were you, I'd go explain it to her." He motioned his head over to the doorway, where Janice stood just seconds ago. I nodded.

"You're right." With another deep sigh, I began walking towards the door.

"Oh, and Eric," I paused, peering over my shoulder at him.

"Follow your heart. Make the right decision." He patted his heart. I rolled my eyes at his actions and turned around, hearing him lowly chuckle afterward. A small grin curled onto my lips, but it dropped into an emotionless line, when remembering my situation.


I hurriedly bounced up the stairs, passing the loud, living room. It was just a day after Christmas and the family decided to stay over until new years. We wanted to spend the happy holiday together. 

As I walked down the hallway of upstairs, I passed the doors, inhaling a deep breath when standing outside my own. Or should I say Janice's. The bitch practically claimed it as hers. With a quick prayer to God, I slowly turned the door open and stepped inside.

My throat churned when I saw the sight. There she sat, the redhead, on the center of the bed, hugging her knees to her chest. I swallowed. 

"Janice," I softly called, closing the door behind me. Her blood-shot, teary eyes darted up to me. Black, smudged makeup, smudged the bags of her eyes. I sighed when hearing no response. Only deadly silence.

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