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(Lea's Pov)

"Easy there now, dear." Ma said, as she guided me towards the entrance of Eric's house. The kids, him and Janice were right behind us.

It had been two days since I had my panic attack back at Jaxon's party. The feeling of guilt continued to play within me, no matter what Eric had said. I still felt bad for ruining his engagement party as I had no intention to.

I could only wonder how glum Chloe could be feeling, I ruined her party, which was important. I inwardly sighed, only hoping she wasn't too hurt about it. 

Ma continued to guide me inside of the house, acting as if I was no longer able to walk. She was being extra cautious about my well being and was just acting like a mother. That made me smile. 

But also the fact that Eric and I had agreed to being friends, did too. We had progressed, somewhat. Although he hadn't forgiven me fully for leaving, he had accepted the term of being friends. 

That's all I could ask for.

I just prayed, sooner or later, he'd fully forgive me. And what I hoped after that, was just unrealistic. There was no bother to even pray for it. Truth was, I respected Eric and was more than thankful for his decision. I, myself, wouldn't be able to forgive him easily if the roles were reversed.

We gradually entered the house, Ma talking to me about a few things whilst I heard the near voices belonging to my children and Eric. They were busy conversing about things, I think school, but couldn't tell exactly.

My heart tugged as I thought back to them. When they had awoken from sleep the night of my panic attack, they embraced me into a hug and left countless of kisses against my face. They told me how worried they were and how Eric was there to comfort them. Which reminded me, I had to thank him for that.

While everyone else was smiling and happy about me waking up, there was only one there to scowl upon it. Janice, it was. She didn't pay any attention to me, instead she flashed a false smile and went on.

I didn't care, though.

I sat down on the leather sofa, the cold material brushing against my skin. Everyone followed behind and entered the room. Drew ran over to me and sat beside me, smiling. I grinned back at him. I looked at Sophia who was holding hands with Eric, but frowning at Janice.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"No, only mummy or grandma can do my hair!" She huffed out, letting go of Eric's hand and smiling over at me as she sat down. My eyes met with Eric and I arched a confused brow. He shrugged with pursed lips.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked her, moving a strand of loose hair behind her ear. Sophia turned to look at me with a pout playing on her lips.

"That mean red hair lady, offered to do my hair." She grumbled out. I listened carefully, trying to understand what had gotten her upset.

"So, why are you upset?" I asked, slight amusement sinking through. Sophia turned around, so her body was facing me.

"Because only you and grandma can do my hair! I don't like her, she's mean, mommy." Sophia whispered the last part. I inwardly laughed and agreed with her.

"But, honey she was just being nice. If you offered something to someone, you'd want them to say yes, no?" I explained to her, watching as she let it all sink in.

"And if you didn't want to accept her offer, decline politely." I firmly said. She nodded, sheepishly bowing her head.

"Now come, mummy will do your hair." I grinned, watching as her lips curved into one. She hopped up from her seat and settled down on the ground beneath. I leaned forward, running a hand through my own mess which was left out.

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