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(Eric's Pov)

My brows furrowed as I slowly pulled off the lid from the medium sized box. My eyes met with the sight of a small box, resting on top what seemed like Michael Jackson CD's. A grin grew onto my lips and I took out the smaller box, putting it down on the coffee table.

I looked back at the box, seeing Michael Jackson records. I picked them out, smiling as I examined the three records. I didn't talk much about my music taste with Lea, or anyone for the matter. But one day, Lea happened to walk in on me listening to his well respected music.

"I never knew you liked Michael Jackson." She smiled, running her towel through her wet strands of hair. A chuckle left my lips as I neared towards her, stripping off from my T-shirt. 

"Well, it's not exactly a conversation starter." I shrugged, absentmindedly wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into me. A blush coated onto her cheeks. I bit back a smirk.

"Hmm, whatever." She drowsily said, a yawn leaving her lips after. She leaned forward, resting her head on my chest. I absentmindedly smiled, rubbing her back.

"Tired?" I asked, feeling her nod against me. I didn't think twice before scooping her up into my arms and heading over to the bed, which awaited us. 

"One day...I'll buy you some records." She whispered. I chuckled softly at her random words. 

She was true to her words. My heart tugged thinking back to the memories. I treasured it, along with the others of our time together. I let out a shaky breath, my eyes darting back to the box I put on the table. 

With curious furrowed brows, I picked it up. It was a small, plain white box and I wondered what was inside it. I pulled off the magnetic lid, my eyes meeting with a black bracelet. It was a shiny, black band with small diamond studs on it. My brows furrowed and I pulled it on, fixing the wrist width.

My eyes darted back to the box, seeing a purple note at the bottom of the box. I didn't think twice before picking it up.

'It's a friendship bracelet, if you were wondering.' - Lea.

The note read.

I smiled, looking over the bracelet. It was nice, more than. I guess it felt nice to know that Lea gifted me something with a meaning behind it. My eyes darted back to Michael Jackson record box. I grinned in excitement as I flicked through them.

As I went to put them back inside the box, I paused, my eyes suddenly landing on a white envelope with my name on it. I found myself putting down the records, not thinking twice before picking out the envelope.

When Lea handed me my present, I felt as if there was something deep behind it. I guess this letter would tell me. I sat down on the sofa, my fingers opening the envelope. I slowly pulled out the white paper inside it, unfolding it and I began reading.

Dear Eric,

I'm not sure how to start this letter off...but, Merry Christmas. I hope you like your gifts, especially the Michael Jackson records. 

I paused, smiling.

But, I hope you like the Friendship Bracelet even more. I wasn't sure what to get you, if I'm being honest. I mean, you're worth millions, billions even - you can't blame me for having a little trouble. In the end, I decided on buying the following items. Which once again, I hope you like.

It's a friendship bracelet (like I left in the note) I brought it, because...well, I've felt like over the time I've returned back into your life...we've picked up where - not exactly where we left off from - but somewhere close.

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