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I'm gonna miss writing this book so much :(

Anyways, final one.

(Lea's Pov)

Although the priest was reciting prayers and words, my eyes and attention were solely focused on the man in-front of me. His eyes sparkled, glinting in a way I had never seen them do before. It amazed me, intrigued me and made me fall in-love with him even more.

He gently squeezed my hands, which he held in his, a smile etching onto his lips. I squeezed them back, returning his breathtaking smile. It was as if he could sense my nerves with the way he would reassuringly watch me.

"We may now carry out the ring ceremony." The priest announced. My brows furrowed in surprise as I glanced down at our son, Drew, holding out a pillow with two diamond ring sitting on it. He grinned up at me, extending the pillow out for his father.

With a soft chuckle, Eric let go of my hand to picked up the silver diamond ring. My heart lifted as I realized it was the same one I wore proudly on my finger five years ago. He gently put the ring on, surprising me as he leaned down to kiss my hand.

An 'aw' chorused through the audience. I blushed, taking the other ring on the other side of the pillow. It was platinum band, just like the same one I put on him years ago. With a grin, I pushed it on, watching as he returned it.

"Five minutes till new years!" Someone shouted from the audience. My gaze left Eric's only for a second. Amusement danced in his hazel orbs as he shook his head.

"Very well, do any of you have any vows to say?" The priest asked us. I nervously bit down on my lip, shaking my head with a blush.

"I do," Eric said, surprising me. I arched a brow, watching as his eyes glinted.

"There's nothing like us. I love you, Lea." He whispered sincerely. My heart jumped. It was as if the world had stopped for a minute, and I was simply dreaming.

He loved me.

I didn't know how to react, so instead I returned the truthful words.

"I love you too, Eric." My words were shaky, but I meant every word. His eyes danced with a glint, making them even more memorizing.

"Can you two just kiss already?!" The familiar voice belonging to Jaxon yelled. I blushed, glancing down at the ground.

"Just move onto the I do's!" Someone else screamed. The priest sighed, muttering to himself.

"Eric, Drew Miller, do you take Lea to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He simply asked, forgetting all the long detailed vows.

"I do," He proudly said, winking at me. My heart skipped a beat.

"And do you, Lea Jameson take Eric to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I whispered, feeling him squeeze my hands once again.

"I now pronounce you man and -"

"SIXTY SECONDS LEFT!" The same person yelled. People gushed as they stood up and went to find their family.

"Lea," Eric called. I turned to look at him, my heart fluttering from the soft smile on his lips.

"I'm so in-love with you, Angel. You're my soulmate, my everything, my damn angel. I promise to let nothing come between us. It's just you and me, baby." He gently said. I smiled widely, my heart pulsing faster and faster.

Everyone else was now busy conversing with one another. 

"I'm so in-love with you too, Eric. I'm overwhelmed with emotions right now, but I...I just love you so much. I'm so happy you're finally mine and I'm yours." I whispered, feeling tears prick my eyes.

BOUND (book 2) ✔Where stories live. Discover now