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(Lea's Pov)

I was surrounded by darkness. The sound of my pulsing heart, echoed in my ears. It were as if my feet had grown a mind of their own as they lead me ahead. My path was unclear to see, distant and dark, was the only thing I could make out.

Small, heavy breaths escaped my lips. I was breathless...and from what? Suddenly, I felt a powerful heat radiate against my back. I froze, my eyes widening as I daringly looked behind me. When I did, my heart dropped.

A sea of fire was behind. A wave growing and ready to swallow me in. A frightened scream left my lips and I hurriedly began running forward. This time, my feet following my own command. I ran, and ran until eventually, my body gave up on me - forcing me to take a break.

I dropped to the ground, panting, as I looked over my shoulder. But, there was nothing there. My brows furrowed and I leaned against the black wall behind me. 

I had ran far enough to escape the welcoming flames.

Thank God.

But the nightmare wasn't over just yet.

I straightened out my body, finding the strength to stand on my feet. Only, when I did, I felt a burning heat emit against my heels. I was standing on a weak pavement, minutes away from giving up on me and crumbling.

I gasped, hesitantly looking down, my heart drumming faster.

A ground full of fire; the orange, yellow, red flames - all dancing around with one another. It was as if they were motioning me to jump in, awaiting my body so they could consume it with burns.

I shook my head, gulping as I took a small step back, my back hitting against the black wall.

"Mommy!" I heard a cry. My eyes widened and I looked across from where I was standing. Similar to me, Sophia stood on a crumbling piece of platform. Her eyes were wide with fear, tears ascending down her eyes.

"Sophia!" I screamed, desperate to jump over and join her. To cradle her in my arms and tell her everything was going to be okay.

"Ma!" I heard another cry go off. My head shot over to my left, my heart breaking even more.

"Drew!" I cried, my eyes spilling with warm tears.

"Help me, Ma! I'm scared!" He sobbed. My heart sunk and I so badly wanted to jump over the fire and save my children.

"Me too." I whispered, my eyes avoiding from looking down.

And suddenly, a loud, cold laughter rung in my ears. My heart dropped as I looked up, only to see Janice. Her red hair was in tight bun and she was dressed in a long, black gown. A wicked smirk played on her lips and she stood proud and firm in place.

"Janice?" I whispered in shock. Unlike the three of us, she stood on a black ground, the platform looking rather safe and sturdy compared to ours.

"Isn't this a funny sight?" She chuckled to herself. I frowned, biting back a comment.

"H-How are you up there?" I muttered in confusion. She simply smiled, wickedly. Her white teeth standing out against her red painted lips.

"Because, Angel, I have power over this place. I can break down the little ground you're standing on and send you flying into that fire full of heat. As well as your little kids." She spat in a deadly tone. My heart came to a pause and fear overcame me.

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