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Lea's Pov)

The next morning arrived sooner than I had expected. When I lay in my old bedroom, both Drew and Sophia tucked up near me, my mind wouldn't turn off. I lay in bed, thinking about everything and if I was making the right decision.

I still couldn't believe it was all real. And not a dream.

I didn't know how to feel about it all. After what Eric had said to me, it made me feel guilty and selfish. He was right. But he was also wrong. What he was trying to say was - I shouldn't have left. But I needed to. In order to start off fresh.

I even contemplated on whether to pack up my things and leave, silently.

It was only when I saw the bright smiles playing on my children's face, I came to a conclusion. Returning was the right thing to do. Besides, it was only for a month. After that, Eric could stay in contact with Drew and Sophia. No matter how hard it'd be for me.

When I awoke in the morning, I was met with a surprise. My bed was empty, with only me in it. I guess Drew and Sophia were really excited to get to know their dad. I sighed, pushing off the comforter and fixing up the bed. Then suddenly, a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in." I cleared my throat, dry from just waking up. The door slowly turned open and in stepped an unfamiliar face. An elderly woman around the age of fifty, stepped inside. Her dark, jet black hair in a neat bun and dressed in a maid outfit. I noticed the nervous expression on her face.

"Can I help you?" I questioned with a small smile. She pointed to the bed, swallowing.

"I'm here to tidy bed." She told me, stepping further inside the room and dropping her box of supplies I noticed.

"Oh, it's fine. I've done it." I smiled reassuringly. Her eyes widened in what seemed like surprise and she nodded.

"Oh, okay, Miss. Can I do anything for you? Any cleaning? Clothes?" She asked, her thick Spanish accent sinking through. I shook my head, smiling lightly.

"No, but thank you for asking." I politely declined. She nodded, picking up box of cleaning supplies and exited the room. I let out a huff of air.

I never knew they had a maid.

I guess a lot of things have changed...

After that, I showered and dressed into a new set of clothes. I buttoned the last of my checkered shirt and fixed up my hair, leaving it out. I inwardly reminded myself that I needed a trim or a cut. I was thinking of leaving it up to my shoulders, but didn't decide officially on it yet.

It was when I was walking down the stairs, I felt a bubble of nerves grow in the pit of my stomach. Today, I would face Eric once again. But with new found information. He hated me. It was all clear on his face. And in his eyes.

I swallowed, inhaling a deep breath before entering the kitchen. My eyes were met with the sight of Drew, Sophia, Janice and Eric, all settled down on the dining table.

Looking like a family...

I shook off my thoughts and mustered up a small smile.

"Good morning." I quietly said, looking at my children. Both their heads snapped in my direction and a grin grew on their lips. They both jumped up out of their seats and embraced me into a hug. I chuckled, hugging them back.

"Morning, mommy!"

"Morning, Ma."

They both said in sync.

"You two are up early." I arched a surprised brow. They grinned whilst nodding. I smiled back at them.

"Have you finished your breakfast?" I asked, caressing the top of their heads.

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