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(Lea's Pov)

We were on the train, my heart beating faster and faster as we neared towards the place I walked away from five years ago.

I left a lot behind that day.

My only real set of parents, not blood, but still loving and real.

My sister, whom I used to spend my childhood days, speaking to, playing with - living a carefree childish life with.

And lastly - the love of my life. My heart. I left it behind with him, whether he knew it or not. He had control over me. I was at his beck and call - only because I was so deeply in-love with him... Even if the feeling isn't mutual.

My pulse increased and I felt my stomach churn as my eyes never once left the window. It was coming back to me. All so familiar. I remember the night when Vince dropped me off at the train station, which I paid for my ticket and set off to Oklahoma, in hopes to start off fresh.

But here I was. No longer a pregnant teen mother. I was now a woman with two beautiful children and on my way to reunite with my past. 

Time had changed me.

But only for the better. 

I had started my route as a mother, learning more things as I grew. I watched my children grow and become the different people they were. Even though they hadn't fully matured and were yet to learn a lot, I could see a brief overview of who they'd become in the future. I let out a breath, looking down at them.

Across me, sat Drew, claiming he wanted to sit by himself. While Sophia chose to sit beside me. Right now, it was nine in the morning, both of them heavily asleep.

It was hard work getting them out of bed. They were drowsy and tired. But I when I used the reminder where we'd be going and to who, they suddenly looked alive. And now, here we were. On our way to Denver - my past life.

They would finally be able to meet their family. Father, grandma, grandpa, uncle, auntie. They'd finally be able to see them all. An image painted itself in my mind. It was of all of them, including Eric. A smile on their faces and all cuddled close. 

That would become a reality soon.

And I realized, I was making the right choice.

"Mom." I heard Drew call, suddenly awake.

"Yes, sweetie?" I asked, smiling at him. He returned it, drowsily.

"Are we there yet?" 

And as if on cue, the speaker went off. The train suddenly slowed down, before coming to a pause.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have now arrived in Denver." The distant voice announced through the speakers. The train doors drew open and people began getting up. 

"We're here." I breathed, standing up and carrying the sleeping Sophia in my arms. She shifted a little, and opened her eyes.

"We're here, honey." I told her. It was as if she was suddenly awake. She jumped down from my arms and picked up her suitcase handle, rubbing her eyes.

We were here.

The place where it all started...and ended.


Memory. I never was one to have a great memory. As a teenager in high-school, when it came to knowledge test, I wouldn't be the one to get the best grade. But as I grew older, I found my memory growing stronger and more functional.

So here I was, leading the way to the house I remembered all so clearly. I saw the large house just a few steps away from me. Sophia and Drew were right next to me, rolling their newly purchased suitcases behind them. 

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