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Song For Chapter: Touch It By Ariana Grande

"Cause every time I'm with you I go into a zone."

"Baby let's fall in-love."

(Eric's Pov)

With a clenched jaw, I entered the dining room. The sight of the three people, who I held strong love for, all seated around the table. My eyes immediately locked on her, watching as she smiled in amusement at something Drew had said.

My heart ached seeing that smile after so long. What deflated my heart even more, was the terms we were on. A few days had passed since the day I walked in on her and Janice's conversation revolving around me.

From what I had heard, Lea was talking about me in a rude manner. She was calling me names, well implying that I were the names she said.

Cold, heartless and vicious.

A part of me was angry at her for implying I were the three.

When the other half was angry at myself for overacting. But the damage had been done already. From a distant friendship building, to suddenly ignoring one another. How our relationship changed was drastic.

We were back to square one.

I was pulled out of my thoughts, when hearing Sophia and Drew call me. I mustered up a small smile, avoiding looking at Lea. I didn't know how I'd react.

"Hey, champ, princess." I greeted them, sitting down on the empty bedside Drew. I had noticed Sophia was more attached to Lea than Drew was. But I guess that was just Drew's boyish ways. As we grow older, we try becoming independent. Even though we always love our mothers greatly.

I reached out, ruffling a hand through his hair. A whine of protest left his lips as he tried slapping my hand away. We both chuckled.

"Are you staying home today, dad?" He asked in a somewhat hopeful and desperate voice. I nodded, clenching my jaw as I felt her eyes dart to me for a second. A joyous hiss left both the children's lips. I chuckled, my eyes darting towards Sophia.

She shot me a toothy grin, before digging into her plate of what looked like pasta. The sight of food made my stomach rumble and I didn't think twice before reaching out to grab the bowl of pasta set in the middle of the table for everyone. 

But the very moment I did, I felt hands cover mine. My eyes narrowed and looked forward, only to meet eyes with Lea. A red blush painted onto her cheeks and within a second, she dropped her hands, clearing her throat in discomfort.

My heart sunk a little and I carried on with my movement. I scooped the pasta into my bowl, my mouth nearly watering from the scent of it. Just by the scent, I knew who had cooked it. A smile curled onto my lips before I could stop it. I definitely missed her cooking - it was delicious.

Wasting no time, I picked up my fork and dug into my plate of pasta. A moan threatened to leave my lips, but I suppressed it, not wanting to teach my children impolite manners. 

A memory from five years ago flashed in my mind. It was the first day I actually tried Lea's cooking. And it too, was the same dish I fed off from. As if she thought the same, I felt her eyes on me and daringly looked at her. A light smile was playing on her plump lips, faltering when catching my gaze.

She cleared her throat, suddenly standing up.

"Excuse me, I'm tired so I'll call it an early night." She mumbled, her eyes darting between the kids. She smiled lightly, not even glancing at me as she exited the room. My eyes followed her, until she disappeared from view.

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