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(Lea's Pov)


"Sophia," I called out their names. My brows were furrowed as I wore a expression of confusion, looking for my two children. I couldn't find them anywhere. I had searched the first floor, but didn't find them.

Hopefully, they'd be downstairs.

I bounced down the steps, skipping a few. Right now was supposed to be Sophia and Drew's bath time. I figured giving them a shower in the early evening would be easier than dealing with them later at night - when they'd both be tired.

"Drew!" I called out again, panting slightly from my hurried pace. I pursed my lips in annoyance and worry.

As a mother, it could be stressful looking over someone else, constantly checking over their needs and making sure that they were okay. It could get slightly frustrating at times.

But also as a mother, it was natural to worry about your children's well being. It was just a trait which came with being one.

I huffed out a breath, when seeing the living room empty. 

They had to be around here somewhere.

"Kids!" I called out again, hoping I'd get a reply. Yet I received none.

"God, help me." I mumbled to myself. I checked every room on the ground floor, yet didn't find them. I paused, standing in the hallway, placing my hands on my hips and panting slightly. I took a small, two minute break, before I began to look for them again.

"Soph -" Just as I was about to call her name, I felt the bottom of my sock-covered feet, slip against the wooden floorboards. I yelped, feeling myself lose balance and awaited my fall.

Yet, as always, it never did come. 

I heard a quick approach of deep footsteps, before I was captured and pulled into the familiar captivating arms. His arms were placed on the low of my waist, as I was stooped down, his face hovering just inches away from mine.

My throat went dry and I swallowed hardly. His eyes were locked with mine, a trace of unreadable emotions playing in his eyes. 

It was always like this. Me near to falling flat on my bum and him suddenly capturing me in his arms and playing the lead of a hero. It made me wonder; why did this always happen? And why was he always there to save me?

"Why do you always appear to save me from my fall?" I blurted out, without giving it a second thought. A glint of surprise crossed his eyes, before dying down to his clouded darkened eyes. My heart tinged a little at seeing that.

"Because..." He trailed off, narrowing his eyes at me. My heart lifted a little and I thought...maybe...he was going to say the words. Those three special words which could change everything

"Because, you're the mother to my children." He replied in a monotone. The little hope inside of me died out. I cleared my throat and I pulled myself away from, his arms dropping away from me. I took a step back.

"Have you seen the two?" I asked him, referring to our children. I played with my fingers. His eyes darted to them, before he looked back at me with furrowed brows.

"No." He said nonchalantly. I frowned, inwardly contemplating on where on earth they could be.

"Have you checked everywhere?" He asked me. 

"Yeah, every single room..." I trailed off, rolling my eyes when realizing where they had to be.

"They're in the backyard." I sighed, not awaiting a response before I took off and headed into the backyard. A felt a small ting of anger dancing inside of me. I opened the door leading to the backyard and just I had expected, I saw the two bouncing a basketball.

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