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Song For Chapter:

Just a little bit of your heart By Ariana Grande

"Just a little bit of your heart is all I need."

Get ready ;)

(Lea's Pov)

With a new found determination, I strode my way down the upstairs hallway, on my way to Eric's room, only hoping he'd be there. After the conversation I just had with Jaxon, I felt encouraged to go and speak the truth to Eric.

I was determined to put things right. To stop him from making the worst decision in his life. It was like God gave him another chance, and a warning with the fake priest scamming them. He didn't belong with Janice, he knew that and so did everyone else.

He belonged with me.

But that wasn't the only reason I was going to do this, no. I was going to go in there and point out our children, how they would feel about this all and how it would affect them. I didn't want them to learn anything new. Especially something negative about love and marriage.

My heart drummed faster and I felt my adrenaline build. I stopped right outside his bedroom, took a deep breath, before slowly reaching out to knock. My breath hitched in my throat as I heard a reply of silence. I knocked again. A low muffled groan sounded in my ears.

"Come in," His husky voice said. With final deep breath, I turned the door open and didn't hesitate to step inside. His bare back faced me as he held a shirt in his hand. My heart ached as I quietly closed the door behind me.

"What do you want?" He asked, lowly. A spark of pain glinted in my stomach from hearing him speak in such an unfamiliar tone. He sounded down. With a small frown, I took small steps towards him. 

A deep sigh left his lips when I stood a few steps away from him. Only then did he turn around, a glare painted on his face, faltering when his eyes landed on me.

"Lea?" My name left his word in a question.

"W-What are you doing here?" His brows furrowed in confusion. I held a steady gaze with him, watching as his eyes skimmed over my profile. Lingering on my face. I had black bags under my eyes from not being able to sleep after hearing the devastating news. My hair was in a knotted ponytail and my eyes were probably red and blotchy from crying earlier.

"Are you okay?" Concern washed in his eyes and he took a step forward. I took one back, putting my hand out, stopping him. Hurt and confusion crossed his eyes.

"Don't you dare touch me." I muttered, shaking my head at him. His frown deepened.

"What? But what did I do?"

A humorless laugh left my lips before I could stop it. I felt my eyes prick up with tears, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

"W-What haven't you done, Eric?!" I cried. His mouth parted as if he wanted to say something, but I wasn't done just talking yet.

"Y-You're making the same mistake you made five years ago, Eric! You're marrying her! Janice!" 

"So? What else do you want me to do?!" He yelled back, surprising me. His words had taken me aback.

"I can't lose my position as CEO, Lea. I can't tarnish the Miller name. I cant - won't let that happen. I've worked to hard for all of this." He muttered.

I shook my head, feeling my eyes grow with tears.

"What about the kids, Eric? Did you ever think about how they feel?" I asked, my voice cracking.

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