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Songs For Chapter:

Touch It By Ariana Grande

"Baby, let's fall in-love."

Just a little bit of your heart By Ariana Grande

"Just a little bit of your heart is all I want."

(Lea's Pov)

The next morning I threw up. I felt sick. Physically and emotionally. There was a never-ending bile resting in my throat, making me feel as if I needed to take another trip down to the toilet. Again.

And I think I knew the cause of my sickness. The heartbreaking news I found out last night.

"Eric and I...we're getting married, again."

My heart ached as her words continued to echo in my mind. I was in shock. Complete and utter shock. I looked at Eric - for something, for him to say something, for even him to look at me with a look saying she was lying. But in the end, I got nothing.


Not a glance my way. Nor a word. Instead, he suddenly found interest in the ground beneath him, his jaw clenched and his hand tightly gripping Janice's hand. I'll never forget the way my heart dropped and shattered completely.

What I feared would happen, came true.

A heartbreak.

Swallowing a gulp, I made my way inside the kitchen. Everyone was in the lounge, apart from Ma, who was stood behind the counter, decorating a cake. My stomach churned at the sight of it. 

"Lea," She softly called, her eyes skimming over my appearance. I looked like crap. I could tell she thought so too, since I saw her grimace. With a sigh, I forced a weak smile, reaching out to pull my hair into a ponytail.

"Hi, Ma." I whispered, clearing my throat afterwards. She frowned in concern, putting down the spoon of homemade glazed icing. I made my way over a free stool, pulling it out and sitting down on it.

"Are you okay, dear?" She reached out, putting a hand on my forehead. 

"I'm good, Ma. I just threw up, guess I had too many leftovers from last night." I told her, or rather myself. It had only been a few days since Christmas. There couldn't be anything wrong with them.

I shook off my thoughts and smiled at Ma reassuringly.

"If you say so," She mumbled, picking the spoon back up. I let out a small chuckle, running a hand across my face.

"Where are the kids?" I asked after watching Ma finish the last touch of icing on the top the cake. A sigh left her lips and she paused with her action, darting her eyes towards me.

"With Eric." She muttered, coldly. The news had gotten around about Eric and Janice wanting to remarry or whatever they were doing. I didn't know why they chose to do it now, and coincidentally when I was here. From what I could tell, nobody was pleased about.

Apart from Janice, of course.

I wasn't present when the happy couple announced the news to everyone else, but from what I heard, Ma was the one who was angered most by it. Jeremy, I think he matched her reaction. But Jaxon and Chloe's reaction, I wasn't sure of.

"You're mad at him, huh?" I hesitantly asked. A scoff left her lips and she let go of the spoon in her hand.

"I'm feeling much more than mad, right now, Lea. I'm fuming! How can be so stupid to make the same mistake and marry that red headed devil? I don't understand that boy!" She ranted out. I listened, chewing down on my bottom lip.

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