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(Lea's Pov)

I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I couldn't remember the last time I had smiled so widely. It must have been when the twins had said their first word. I remember grinning so happily that day. I had a reason to.

But today, I woke up with a smile on my lips. My mind didn't hesitate to think back to last night. I...I hugged him and he held me. He didn't push me off - no, he held me. A small blush burned onto my face and my smile widened.

It was when we sprung apart, I noticed the distant light appearing in his eyes. But I might have been imagining it. He gave me a small nod and half-smile, before exiting. I stood outside, smiling lightly, before following, remembering to close the door behind me.

I was thankful that the kids were still in deep slumber, and I think they too, noticed the uneasy tension between Eric and I. I was just lucky, they never thought too much about it. They just wiped my tears and comforted me with their hugs. 

I was just thankful that Eric had ended this custody thing. Because if he hadn't, I wouldn't hesitate to pack my things and leave again.

Like I said, nobody could come between me and my kids.

I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror. The kids were already downstairs. I had showered them and dressed them in a new pair of fresh clothing, before they eagerly made their way downstairs. I guess I could match their mood. I no longer had to worry about losing them.

That made me happy.

I checked over my appearance, making sure my hair looked alright in its current state. I decided on pulling it up into a ponytail. I was dressed in my usual clothing. A blue checkered shirt and jeans. My feet wearing the white, thrilly socks I had grown to love.

I gave myself a small nod, before I exited the room and made my way downstairs. It was around two pm. I had skipped out on breakfast, because I didn't have an appetite. But now my stomach was rumbling repeatedly, I had to settle on eating something.

I made way into the kitchen, passing the living room and hearing distant voices. I heard Sophia's giggle, making me smile.

The kids were so happy here. 

I entered the kitchen, my eyes landing on the familiar, petite Mexican maid, mopping the floor.

As if she sensed my presence, her head shot up and small wave of fear flashed through her eyes. I smiled at her softly.

"C-Can I help you, Miss?" She asked in a nervous tone. 

"Uh, no. I'm just a little hungry." I told her. 

"Oh, I-I can make you something?" She suggested, her eyes widening at me. I shook my head, smiling at her.

"No, you...uh, continue you what you were doing. I'm sure I can cook something up." I said, smiling at her warmly. A glint of shock crossed her eyes, before she bowed her head and half-smiled. 

I was careful to miss the slippery floor, not wanting to fall. Although, a strange part of me believed I would be saved. As always. I shook off my thoughts and searched through the fridge, but found nothing. I sighed, closing it shut and leaning against it.

"Miss, if you want, I can make you something?" I heard the maid call again. I smiled lightly, biting down on my bottom lip. 

"N-No, it's fine. I'll wait until lunch, thank you for offering." I smiled at her, exiting the kitchen. I could sense the hesitance from her. It made me wonder; why was she so afraid and nervous all the time? 

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