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JB's P.O.V

After I got out the booth I noticed Max sleeping on BamBam's shoulder maybe I should have left her home to sleep it was Youngjae's turn now so waited until everyone was finished. Once Everyone finished, Max was awake "Ok I have an announcement for everyone, We are going on tour in one week and as requested by JB, Max is coming with you guys" our manager said "What about Andrew?" Max asked me "He's staying with some friends of ours, he doesn't want to go" Jackson said and she nodded. "So everyone head to your dorms and start packing, a week is not a very long time" everyone nodded and we all left, me leading Max out. We left the same way we came and we got home, Max plopped down on the bed and I laid down next to her.

"I'm going back to the studio tomorrow, you, Andrew and Mark are going to be staying behind or do you want to go with me?" She shook her head and I chuckled. "Too early?" "Yes, I like sleep" I kissed her forehead and she laid down on my stomach, I turned on the tv and something immediately popped up, Me and Max "Got7 JB seen with mystery girl! They were seen leaving the JYP building with the rest of the band and seen going into the dorm, does JB have a new girlfriend?" I sighed and switched it to a show with English subtitles, Spongebob. "Jaebum, what did that other channel say?" I looked down at her "It was talking about you and me, nothing serious, they don't know we're dating" she nodded and watched the tv. I ran my fingers through her hair and played with the ends of her hair if the fans find out she's dead meat her phone dinged several times "I'll check it for you" she nodded, too into SpongeBob.

It was Instagram and I tried to open her phone but it was locked "What's your password?" "Your birthday" I smiled and I entered it, I was people commenting and liking her picture 'Are you JB's girlfriend?' 'You're pretty' 'JB is mine, sorry' 'You're beautiful' 'JB and Max sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G I SHIP IT' 'You're nothing but a slut' 'You don't deserve JB' my smile faded and Max looked up "What's wrong? What was it?" "Nothing, just some app" I put her phone down. She brushed it off and kept watching the the show, I decided to put the rumors to rest and took my phone, I took a picture of Max on my stomach, making sure to get SpongeBob in the background. I posted it saying '@MaxyMoo my baby loves Spongebob, Love her Xx' her phone dinged and she got it this time, she looked up at me "Really?" I laughed and nodded, she pouted and hit my chest. She continued watching SpongeBob, the fan started going crazy 'I knew it!' 'You two are so cute!' 'I wish the best for you two' 'JB+Max 4Eva' I was happy no one posted hate on the photo and there were a lot of likes.

I put down my phone and Max looked up, she sat my stomach and took my hands in hers "What got you so happy?" I smiled "You, the fans, our picture, a lot of things at the moment" she giggled and leaned down to peck my lips. "I love you" she said "I love you too, and it seems like the fans do too" she smiled and laid down on top of me everything is falling into place.

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