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Max's P.O.V

We arrived in New York, I was so happy, this is my home and Jaebum could tell I was happy. He kissed my temple and brought me close, he looked around and quickly made his way through the airport, leaving the boys behind like he was hiding from someone. "Jaebum, what's wrong?" I stopped him and looked him in the eyes, he shook his head "Nothing, let's go to the hotel, then we'll go out, I just want to be alone with you" I smiled and we headed to the hotel. We put our stuff down "We're going to the club, it's been awhile, so dress nice" I nodded and he left to go and tell the other boys.

I took a shower and put on a strapless, skin tight red dress and black heels. I did my hair and make up and I went out the bathroom, Jaebum then walked through the door "Woah" he licked his lips. "Go get ready, then maybe we could do something tonight" I winked and he immediately got into the shower. I chuckled and waited for him to come out, I started watching whatever was on, which was Dora, because I'm a child. Jaebum then came out with blue jeans and a white button up shirt. I smiled at him and he took my hand "You ready to go?" I grabbed my phone and pocket book and I nodded.

We left and the boys were outside, I came out and their jaws dropped. Jaebum hid me behind him and glared at them, they all turned away awkwardly and started for the car. When we got in, Jaebum sat me on his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Mine, only mine, I love you, only you" he said it like he was trying to convince me, like I was doubting him, I looked up at him "I know that" he kissed my forehead and looked out the window. We arrived to the club and Jackson parked the car, we all got out and Jaebum made sure I was with him.

We instantly got in and got a table, we sat and and a waitress came to our table "What would you like to drink?" The boys order drinks and I ordered what because I didn't want to drink. "I'm going to go use the bathroom" I nodded and he left "So how are you and JB in bed?" My eyes widened as I looked at Jr. I blushed. "So you guys are good, I see" I pushed him lightly and he laughed. We laughed and talked for a few minutes and then we realized Jaebum has not returned. "I'll go and check on him" I went to the bathrooms and saw Jaebum his arms wrapped around an another girl's waist I walked closer but they could see me.

"So when can we get together again? I really miss you, JB, when are you going to break up with Max? It's been months" the girls tone was high pitched and I could tell she wasn't from here "Soon baby, we said I love you and I'm working on it, it'll over soon, I'm so lucky I saw you here, beautiful but know I have to go back to Max and the boys, I'll see you later, text me" I heard a wet kiss and Jaebum walked off. The girl went into the bathroom and I walked out the club, making sure no one could see me. I sighed and started walking I need cookies I walked to the supermarket and bought two containers of cookies. I grabbed a cab and told her the address, it was a women which was rare "I see you in a party dress and you're holding cookies, what happened?" I sighed "My boyfriend is cheating on me" she gasped "Are you going to dump him?" I shrugged "I don't know, he's the first guy I really ever put in heart into" she shook her head.

"Don't give him an another chance, he doesn't deserve it, how long has he been cheating on you?" "The girl said months" I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I remembered what happened only half an hour ago. We arrived at the hotel and I was about to pay her "It's on the house, you're going though a lot, good luck but you owe me a cookie" I giggled and handed her one, she waved at me and drove off. I went into my hotel room and took off my dress and heels, replacing it with sweats and going barefoot. I looked at my phone to see 56 calls and 76 messages from Jaebum and 26 calls and 59 messages from the boys.

'Babe, where are you?' 'Are you Okay?' 'Baby, please reply!' 'Are you back at the hotel?' 'I'm going to the hotel' as soon as I read it, the door unlocked and Jaebum ran in. "Baby, you had me worried sick! Why did you come back?" I couldn't look him in the eyes "I wasn't feeling well, I left while you were going to the bathroom" "Why didn't you just tell me? I would have drove you home" I ate a cookie and he chuckled. "Why do you have cookies?" I shrugged and ate another "I like them" "Baby, are you okay?" I nodded. He kissed my temple "I love you" lies. So full of lies "I love you too" the only truth here.

How old are you?
I'm 15 but I can be 5, 13 and 35 at times

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