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Max's P.O.V

The next morning JB left before I woke up, he left me a note and breakfast on the nightstand. 'I didn't want to wake you up after how tired you were yesterday so I bought you an American breakfast and left, I should be back by 8, Love youxx Jaebum' it said, I smiled instantly. But then I realized it's only 12, I have another 8 hours to go by. I rolled around on the bed a bit, trying to figure out what to do until I heard a knock at the door.

I got up and opened the door to see Mark "Do you need something?" My tone wasn't harsh, it was soft "Um I want to talk to you..." He trailed off, like he regretted coming here. "About what?" I was curious, I didn't hate him, I don't like to hold grudges. "I'm sorry" he blurted out "I forgive you" "And I know you won't forgive me, I almost cost you your-wait what?" His eyes searched my face but all he found was sincerity. "I forgive you, I don't like grudges, and at least I didn't succeed" I gave him a small smile "I don't think we could be friends like before but I forgive you" he hugged me.

I hugged him back "Max? Mark, get away from my sister" Mark let go and backed away, I looked at Andrew and he had just woken up. I could tell by his tired eyes and bed hair "Were you two hugging?" He glared at Mark (I was tying fast and I typed Merl) who was staring at the floor. I nodded "I forgave him" he gave me a defeated look, as he knows how I am "Just because she forgives you doesn't mean I do or anyone else does, remember that" With that Andrew walked off. Mark sighed "I'm sorry for him..." I trailed off "It's my fault anyway" he walked in his room. I sighed and went back inside the guest room, I started eating and turned on the Tv.

I turned on SpongeBob, guess this is what I'm doing for the next 8 hours.

Mark's P.O.V

She forgave me. She forgave me like it was nothing, like I didn't make her try to kill herself. She tried to make a joke out of it. Is there is a chance for me? Is that why she forgave me? Maybe she's trying to make me jealous with Jaebum, maybe there is a chance. Is there really a chance, Mark? No, what don't you understand I sighed and laid down on my bed. The members already hate me, what would happen if I were to try to get Max, Jaebum's girlfriend, for myself? They would despise me, Coco won't even go near me.

God, what's wrong with me? You're in love with a girl, who you called a bitch and fake, who is dating one of your best friends, who would glare at anyone that breaths around Max with the intention to hurt her, that's what wrong with you. If they stay together, I might lose myself, but I can't break them apart, they're too perfect. But maybe someone else can...

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