Chapter: 10

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~Blakely's POV~

I walk away from Chanceton's house. The moment I was off of his walk way he disappeared. I walk slowly, feet aching, shoes in hand. Other people stare, mouths agape as I walk by. I must look really bad if they look at me like that. Really bad.... 

I pick up my pace as I cross the street, leading myself to a quiet, desolate area. I slow down again and take the quiet time to try to recall what happened the night before.

I wake up with my back aching from sleeping on the hard bench. A handsome man, no older than 30 comes up slowly to me. 

"Hello doll. What's a pretty little thing like you doing here?" He reaches up and brushes my hair behind my ear. 

"Um hello. I just wound up here somehow. Do you mind telling me what "here" is exactly?"

He steps closer. " Do you mind coming home with me darling?" I begin to feel uncomfortable and I step back from him. He grabs my arm harshly and pulls me closer. I begin to yell out in protest, but a quick lash across the face stops me. A man, a jogger, runs by and I yell to him for help. 

He looks in my direction, but the man pushes me to the ground. I hit my head and I begin to lose my vision. I feel numb as he repeatedly kicks me in the head and stomach. 

I pull myself from my deep thinking, not wanting to remember anymore. I begin to get the strange feeling that I'm being watched. I pick up my pace, glancing over my shoulder to see a man in a hoodie and a baseball cap, 

I increase my speed to a soft jog, and the man begins to run. I see him coming straight at me and I sprint, as fast as I can down the deserted road. Not being fast enough he catches up tot me. The man grabs my arm, causing me to let out a scream and flail my limbs everywhere, hitting him repeatively in the face. 

"Blakely! Stop! It's just me, Chanceton." I stop swinging long enough to get a good look at his face, and well enough, it was Chanceton. 

"I'm so sorry! I didn-" 

"It's fine Blakely. You have a good reason to be so afraid." He lets go my arm and we begin to walk. After about a five minute silence I speak. 

"Why are you here?" I ask looking over at him.

Chanceton removes his cap, causing his shaggy black hair to fall in front of his eyes. He runs his hand through his hair before putting his hood over his head. "I just wanted to check on you, you know. After what happened... you shouldn't be walking alone." He looks over at me and his gaze locks with mines. 

I begin to speak, but his eyes catch my attention. His once brown eyes were now a beautiful blue color. I guess I completely zoned out because he started to call my name. "Blakely... blakely!" 

"Oh yeah! Thanks for being here." I feel my face begin to heat up as Chanceton smirks knowingly at me. 

"So where exactly are you from?" He asks he looks at me.

"New York."

"That's less than five minutes away you know."

"What? Really? Where are we?"


"Well come on! I need to hurry then. I have work today." He begins to protest, but stops when I run full speed down the street.

Awhile later we are standing outside my apartment building. "Thank you Chanceton, for everything. "

"It's no big deal." I smile at him and give him a big hug. 

"I'll call you." He nods quickly and I walk inside the building and head to the elevator. I look behind me quickly and Chanceton is gone. 

I go take the elevator up to my floor. I get to my apartment and as I start unlocking the door I hear noises. Great.. Greg is here. I unlock the door and walk inside to see Greg and Trinity in the middle of a steamy sex session. 

I slam the door loudly to get their attention. And nothing. They don't even look up. I advert my eyes and walk quickly past them and into my room. 

That was disgusting. I hate when people do things like that in the open. I don't even see what she see's in him. He's gross, rude, obnoxious. He's dirty. He doesn't even treat her well. Yeah he's rich and he can get all the girls he wants, but he rubs that in her face every chance he gets. They are always on and off. He calls her names all the time. But she goes running back to him every single time. I can't count the number of times I was left picking up her pieces after he hurt her.

I stop mentally ranting and go into the bathroom. I get to the mirror and I cringe at what I see. I have a big bruise on my head and my lips are swollen. My hair is matted and tangled and a cut on my cheek. I touch my cheek and I remember Clayton slapping me. 

I sigh and peel off my torn dress, throwing it in the bathroom hamper. I grab a razor out the medicine cabinet and step into the shower, my underwear still on. I turn on the cold water and I sit in the shower bottom of the shower. 

All of the bad things in my life, from childhood to adulthood, come flying back through my mind as I drag the blade effortlessly across my skin. I feel tears rolling down my face and the tears mix with the blood flowing from my thighs. I drift from my thoughts as I continuously cut myself, not feeling the sharp pain of the blade or the wave of freezing water cascading down on me. 

I lay in the shower in a fetal position. The water still running over me and blood pouring from my legs. I begin to feel myself drift off to sleep. My limbs felt heavy, as if I was being pulled down into the darkness. 


Author's Note:

Okay okay! Don't hate me. This story wasn't gonna involve selfharm, but it just felt.. Right. And Blakely won't die. Okay maybe she will. You'll just have to wait and see. CLIFFHANGER!!!! I'm on thanksgiving break right now so I'll post more. Yay!! HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! Oh and there's a picture of Chanceston on the side. 


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