Chapter: 24

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~Blakely's POV~

Clayton and I sit on the couch watching The Help. I love that movie with all my heart. Going up against society to do what's right. That's what everyone should be doing in this shit hole of a world we live in. But maybe that's just me. Maybe everyone else likes it. Who knows? 

I took him back. Maybe that was the wrong decision and deep down I feel it is. But when he hugged me, gosh it was like all my worry was sucked out of me and thrown out into the other madness in the world. And that kiss, goodness, it was the best kiss I've ever received. I want to believe everything will be okay between us, but honestly it won't. 

Even if we put all our differences and conflict on the back burner, after awhile it'll arise again. And what will we do? We'll brush it off like it was nothing and back on the back burner it'd go. But that's not what we should do. We should take care of each and every big problem. Separately, thoroughly. We shouldn't let well enough be good enough. But I know that will not happen. Clayton and I both are too stubborn to do something like that. And that makes me a hypocrite and I am. I'm one of the biggest hypocrites there is.

Clayton shifts his head on my shoulder. I then realize he was asleep this whole time. That is not acceptable. How can you sleep through such a great movie like this one? He must have no taste in movies. 

"Clayton," I say as I flick his forehead with my thumb and middle finger. 

He opens his eyes and looks at me like I'm crazy. "What the hell Blakely!"

"What? I didn't do anything wrong," I say with a sheepish smile on my face. 

"Didn't do anything? That fucking hurt!" he seemed actually mad. 

I decide to keep on picking with him. "Ooh you said a bad word!" I flick him on the forehead again.

"Oh you little-" he reaches for me, but I get off the couch before he can. 

I run down the hall and go into Trinity's old room. I hear footsteps behind me so I hide inside the only whole thing left in the room. Even it has holes in the door. I open the door and close it lightly behind me. I scoot to the very back of the medium sized closet. The stench of bleach fills my nostrils and I struggle not to let go of the contents of my stomach right then. Tears begin to fill my eyes.

I've always hated the smell of bleach, but ever since I was 12 I've hated it more than ever. Now whenever I smell it makes me want to vomit and break down in tears. 

"What the. . . what happened here?" I hear Clayton's footsteps in the room. I put my hand over my mouth and nose. Partly ot keep quiet, but mostly to keep that smell away. 

The footsteps get closer to the closet door. I can hear him picking coughing loudly. Probably the bleach and gasoline I put all over the bed. I lean towards the door to look out of the big hole, my face still covered. My hand runs against a piece of jarred out wood from the door. I let out a shriek as the dark crimson pours over my hand and down my wrist. 

The closet door opens to Clayton with an upset look on his face. His expression forms into a sincere one as he reachs his arms out for me. I reach my hands towards him wanting his warm embrace. He steps forward and lifts me off of the floor into his arms. He looks down at me for a moment then puts my head against his shoulder. 

I swear I saw a tear run down his face. I then realize that I was crying myself. My loud sobs fill the room, the tears running down my face and onto Clayton's shoulder. He slides down onto the floor and pulls my body closer to him. One of his hands around my waist, the other gently caressing my neck. 

I know he's completely confused about what's happening, why I'm crying, and why this room looks like it does. I actually feel somewhat sorry for him. I wish I hadn't put him in this position, but I can't change it now. I feel his loud sigh against my neck. 

He begins to rub small circles onto my back. It soothes my body and I fall into a deep slumber.

~Clayton's POV~ 

Blakely's soft snores fill my ear. She's asleep. I shift her body in my arms and look at her sleeping face. Tear streaks mark her face, a bit of swelling around her eyes from crying, but I still think she's the most beautiful thing in this world. 

I lean down and gently kiss her lips. I stand up and walk into her bedroom.  I pull back her sheets and lay her on the bed. She looks uncomfortable. Should I change her? 

"Yes." my conscience says. 

I guess I will. I walk over to Blakey's dresser and pull out an oversized t-shirt. I put it on the bed and look down at Blakely's body. Here goes nothing. I pull her blouse over her head revealing a black bra; at least a C cup. I take my eyes away from her breasts and to the button of her jeans. Well this isn't a much better place to look. 

I slowly unbutton her jeans and pull them down her legs, trying not to wake her. I throw them onto the floor along with her shirt. I take the t-shirt and put it over her head. I pull it down, covering her black bra and matching panties. 

Good enough. I lift her up and place her body beneath the covers. I pull the sheets up around her, tucking her in and leave out of the room.

Is it just me or is Blakely skinnier? I could feel her hip bones and ribs as I held her. I tried to push the though out of my mind whilst I held her, but now it's back. I know she weighed more last time I held her. Now it's like carrying an empty bag of air. I loved her curves. But there aren't any type of curves; only bones. 

I'm just gonna go home now I guess. There's really no reason to stay here. I could stay with Blakely and keep her company, but I just got her back. 

As I step out of the door to Blakely's apartment complex I hit send on the text message. I put my phone back into my pocket and begin walking down the sidewalk. It was pretty warm today, no need for a jacket. Then I realize my clothes are still sticky from the iced tea Blakely poured over me. I'll just go home and change. 

My phone plays the typical iPhone jingle, signaling I have a text. I pull it out of my pocket as I walk. 

I have a surprise for you back at home <3 See you soon big boy ;) ~Trinity 

Great, just great. Didn't I tell the bitch I was done with her? I know I made it clear. God, why can't she fucking leave me alone? I walk faster down the street, pushing through whoever got in my way. I knew I had a serious frown on my face, but so does almost everyone else in New York right now. 

~Kyle's POV~

"I'm gonna go aon home now Miss Bell." 

"Okay Kyle, I'll see you tomorrow then," she says. She embraces me in a big hug as usual, but it feels somewhat different. Like it's final. 

I nod at her, "Yeah, tomorrow.

I turn and walk out of the door to the cafe. I walk down the sidewalk slowly, my head down. I watch my feet step over each and every crack on the sidewalk. I look up just as I run into a handsome blonde man about my age. He drops his phone onto the ground. The man picks it up quickly and looks at me, face filled with disgust. 

"Thanks alot shit tard. Go fucking die somewhere." 

I blink back the tears and run down the street. I barge through all the people until I reach my apartment. I burst through the door and go straight to the windowsill. I open it and step out on to the ledge of my 15th story window. I look down at all the people below me as tears fill my eyes. 

Then I jump. . .

Falling. . . 

Falling. . . 

Falling. . . 

Darkness. . .


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