Chapter: 33

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2 years later


I sat outside on the patio, watching Mason and Blakely run around with Gray in the yard. Mason scooped the curly haired little girl up into his arms when she tried to run by, tossing her up into the air as she giggled. I did nothing but smile at the happiness of the child I was able to call my own.

Blakely walked over, a smile on her face as she sat in the patio chair beside mine. She put her hand on top of mine and looked over at me. Nothing in this world, besides our child of course, could make me happier than her smile. We got married a year ago and I will never regret it. I treated her and Clayton's daughter as my own; the other was a stillborn. When Gray was born, she had the most beautiful set of eyes I had ever seen. They were an eerie blue, with green speckles in them. As she got older, her eyes took on a more electric color, but they would never stop being amazing.

The day Blakely called me, I called an ambulance and rushed to her as fast as I could. By the time I had made it, the twins had been delivered via c-section. I came into the room, Blakely sobbing and holding a bundle wrapped in a pink blanket. I remember the moment she looked up and saw me, the pain in her eyes could have taken down an elephant. Later that day, she described to me how beautifully haunting the baby's eyes were. They were a deep gray, the most beautiful thing she said she had ever seen. That's how Gray got her name, so she would always have a piece of her borther, Eli, with her.



I laid in bed with Sebastian. His arms around me, our leg intertwined as if we were a human pretzel. Gray was already asleep in her room so it was just him and I. As I laid there, I knew that every decision I had made in my life so far was the right one.

Every bad decision I had made since I was in high school had been leading up to this moment. This had been in store for me all along and I couldn't be any happier. Yes, I had to get hurt numerous times in the process, but I wouldn't have Gray, or Sebastian, or even Chanceton if it weren't for Clayton. Trinity would still be in my life, and I would still call her my best friend if it weren't for him.

Clayton was sent to jail for abuse. I testified against him in court, but due to his family's vast amount of money, he was let go. He still lives in NYC, and from the last I heard is hitting it hard with Trinity.

Mason realized his true self and is now in a great relationship with Chanceton. They are both very happy with one another and are talking about marrying soon.

And Sebastian and I, well we bought a nice little house and are starting our family. I haven't told him yet, but Gray is his biological daughter. I'm planning to tell him on his birthday next week. I know he'll be ecstatic. He and I both have made full recoveries from where we were. He was my missing piece.

So, Clayton, I have one thing to say to you. Even though you hurt me so much during the time we were together, I couldn't thank you more. You helped me realize how much I value the things in my life. I'm happier than I have ever been.

I forgive you Clayton.


And there we are. The end of this long drawn out story. For all of you who stuck around, thank you so much. And to all the newbies, thank you as well. I'm sorry for all the breaks, but life happens. I will be writing another book soon and this one will be done the write way. I love you all.


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