Chapter: 20

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~Sebastian's POV~

"Come on pussy boy! Get up, get up!" I stand up, wavering from side to side. My head is pounding, my eyes are burning. 

"Hit 'em Tony, show him what you're made of!" My brother punches me again. I raise my fist and punch him back, causing a sickening crack. He holds his nose, blood pouring down.

"You bitch! You fucking broke my nose!" I take that as my sign to leave. I run down the hall into my room slamming and locking the door behind me. I push my dresser in front of it. I get my suitcase from under my bed and raid my room, filling it with my clothes; all my necessary belongings. As I zip my suitcase closed, I hear banging on the door. 

"Open this damn door!" I don't answer and grab my suitcase. I run over to the window and pull it open, throwing my suitcase down onto the ground below. I hear the door bust open and I see my dad come in with a bat. Shit!

I put my leg out the window. As I go to put my other leg in I get pulled back inside. My dad takes the bat, lifting it in the air about to hit me. I kick him and get back up. Then I see it. The picture of my family laying on the bed. I run for it and stuff it in my pocket. 

By that time he's back up. I take the bat off the ground and swing at him, hitting him in the head. He falls to the ground, out cold. I then jump out of the window, landing to the ground with a soft thud. I get back up and grab my suitcase, running down the street. 

When I get into the city I slow my run into a walk. I breathe heavily and hold my stomach; getting weird looks from passersby. I pull myself together and trudge down the street. I look up at the building in front of me, a coffee shop. Maybe some coffee will help. 

I push open the door, receiving a little jingle from the bell on the door. I walk in and sit down at a booth. I sit my suitcase on the floor beside me and pick up the menu on the table. As I skim over it an older woman comes to the table. 

"If it isn't Sebby Montague! It's been forever since I've seen you!" She leans down and pulls me out of my seat in a bear hug. 

"Hey Miss Bell." I hug her back, actually happy to see her. 

"Where've you been doll? You've been coming here everynight the past 7 years! Then you just disappear like that! Had me worried sick!" She puts her hand to her forehead, playing hurt. 

I let out a deep laugh; one of the most genuine laughs I've let out since leaving Blakely.

"You know I wouldn't purposely leave you Miss Bell! I actually got admitted." At the word admitted she looks at me, pain filling her eyes. 

"Oh darlin'! I'm so happy you finally got help! I know how hard things have been for you since your mother disappeared."

Tears threaten to pour out at the mention of my mother. Annie Montague. The other owner of this resturaunt. She didn't go missing. I know she didn't. I was there, I saw daddy beating her. She died that day. He threw her into the creek behind the house! They found her body, but the death was claimed as a kidnapping. 

That woman was my favorite person. Other than Miss Bell, she was all I had. Ever since mom died Miss Bell has treated me like her own son. I know she knows deep down about what dad does, about what he did. But Miss Bell won't go blabbin' on about it. That's not her character. 

Miss Bell pulls me into a tighter hug, patting my back. I wince in pain and try to muffle my shriek, to no prevail. 

"What's wrong with you boy?"

"N-Nothing, I'm fine, perfectly fine."

She looks at me with a knowing look. Her hard gaze asking me. I nod my head slightly. She grabs my hand and pulls me to the front of the cafe. Behind the counter, past the kitchen. We go upstairs to the little apartment that Miss Bell shares with her husband and cat, Oliver. 

She sits me down at the small kitchen table and takes a seat beside me. She looks at me knowingly. "Now, are you gonna tell me what that dumbass of a daddy of yours done did now, or are we just gonna sit here?"

I sigh and look at my hands, which are in my lap. I stand up and pull off my shirt. At first she looks confused then she actually looks at what she see's. 

"My goodness doll! Did Frank do this to you?" 

I nod slowly at her words, avoiding eye contact. "Ben too."

"He done got Ben too?" I shake my head feverently.

"No, Ben helped do this."

I see more pain come across her face as she pulls me into a tight hug. 

"Don't worry about me Miss Bell. I'll be fine. I'm not going back."

"Then where'll you stay?"

"With a friend." I lie to her because I don't want her to worry.

"Well okay. I'm just glad you're okay. Now I know you're hungry. Would you like some pie?"

"Hell yeah!"

Miss Bell bust out laughing in the middle of the kitchen. I laugh along with her. "Now you watch your greedy mouth boy!" She chuckles as she talks, slapping her knee. 


Author's POV:

Hey y'all. Sorry for the short chapter. Just wanted to give y'all some insight on Sebastians past. Not much to say. School started back today so I'll be posting less often. I'll try to at least do one chapter per week. At least. 

Also I have an idea for two new books. I might start posting soon, so be on the look out.

~MiahCG <3

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