Chapter: 21

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Okay, a little pre-story note. I would love to dedicate this chapter to my bestfriend in the whole world. She's been there through everything for me. I know you're reading this so thank you Jessica! Like ebony and ivory xD Love you!

~Blakely's POV~

"Order up! Table two!" I take the plate piled of pancakes and bacon in my right hand and the glass of orange juice in my left. It's my first day working here at Annie Bells. I was really excited this morning. I got out of bed somewhat happy and left out bright and early to get here.

I walk slowly being sure to keep my hands steady. I'm not able to balance food on a tray like a normal person, so I have to do this each time. It's an okay technique I guess, it just takes a bit of time. I make my way to table two and sit the plate and glass of orange juice down in front of the man sitting there. 

"Thank you," the large man says enthusiastically. He really doesn't look like he needs to be eating all of this.

I smile and nod at him before walking away. I walk back to the counter. Miss Bell walks past me and makes a 360 degree turn around me as she carries the plates. 

"Your break is right about now doll. Go out to eat with Sebastian and Kyle." She then walks away with the tray.

Sebastian and Kyle? Sebastian..? I know Kyle is here, but Sebastian? Who is she talking about? I walk behind the counter and take off my apron. I grab my coat off the hook and go out to find Kyle. 

"Hey Arnie, wheres Kyle?"

"Upstairs." He doesn't look away from the grill as he cooks. 

I walk up the set of stairs near the back of the kitchen. I would assume they lead up to Miss Bell and Arnie's apartment. I make it to the top and sure enough I'm in the living room of an apartment. I take a look around the cozy place. The floral wallpaper; floral couches and loveseat; the carpeted floor; the many many pictures on the walls. It's all so homey. 

"Kyle?" I call out into the house.

"Back here!" I hear a faint voice and I follow the sound. I walk past the open door of a bedroom and see Kyle in there. 

"Oh there you a-" I stop feeling another presence behind me. I slowly turn around to reveal him. 



"Sebastian!" I close the little space between us by engulfing him in a hug. 

I feel his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into him more. "Blakely... I missed you so much. So very much."

His words muffle as he buries his face into my neck. "I missed you too Sebastian, so much." He pulls away from me as I speak and puts his hand on my cheek. He leans in towards me, his lips grazing mines slightly. I put my hand on the back of his neck and pull his face to me, causing our lips to crash together. 

Kyle clears his throat loudly, causing us to quickly pull away from each other. Sebastian looks at me with a smirk. "Sorry about that bro. Kinda got lost in the moment," Sebastian says as Kyle shifts awkwardly on his feet.

I look around nervously as the room fills with a heavy awkwardness. "Lunch." 

Both Sebastian and Kyle look at me. "What?" they ask in unison.

"Miss Bell told me to get you guys and go out for lunch."

"Sure! Just let me go get my jacket." Sebastian walks out of the room, leaving me with Kyle. 

I turn for the door, preparing to walk out. I look back behind me to see Kyle still standing there. 

"You coming Kyle?" I stop in my tracks.

"Nah, you go on ahead." He shakes his head and sits down on the bed.

"Why not?" I look at him somewhat confused.

"I don't want to be a third wheel Annaliese."

"Third wheel? It isn't a date Kyle."

"It's not supposed to be. But I saw how you two were together. I don't want to be in the middle of it."


"Text me when you guys get there. I wanna be sure you guys are safe."

I nod at him and walk out of the room to find Sebastian. He walks down the stairs and I follow him. We walk out of the door to the cafe and he looks back at me. 

"Where's Kyle?" 

"He's not coming."

"Why not?"

"He said he has work to do."

"Oh, okay then. Well let's go."

We walk down the street, passing by different people. We walk for awhile, silently until we get to The Blue Danube. The place where I used to work. 

We walk inside and sit at a table near the middle of the shop. I see Mason come towards us. His eyes light up when he sees it's me. "Blakely!"

"Hey Mason." 

"Where've you been? I haven't seen you in two days. You were supposed to call me so I could help you pack."

"Oh yeah. Well I've been busy at work. I'm actually gonna stay, but thanks anyways."

His eyes brighten when he hears about the job. He greets Sebastian, taking our orders. He leaves the table and I sit with Sebastian, conversing about Mason. I hear the bell to the door ring, but I don't acknowledge it at all. 

"Blakely!" I turn around to see who is calling my name. I look around until my eyes fall upon him. 


Author's Note:

I honestly though you guys would have to wait longer for the chapter, but it seems like a good ending point.. So. Yeah. I wonder who is calling her name... .3.


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