Chapter: 11

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~Mason's POV~

Where the hell is Blakely? She's already 30 minutes late. Blakely's always on time. Always... I can't remember the last time she was late for something. I can't keep the boss waiting, he's gonna come checking soon. I'll just have to go find her during my 1st break.

I think to myself as I clock out. I take off my apron and throw on my scarf over my sweater. What? I like to be fashionable okay. Just because I dress nice doesn't mean I'm gay though. Don't even think that. 

I walk out the door and head down the street. It's lunch hour, so traffic is backed up and the sidewalks are crowded. I walk quickly, manuevering through the people; apologizing to whomever I bump into.

I finally arrive at Blakely's apartment complex. I take the elevator to the 7th floor. I knock on the door, waiting and listening patiently to see if I hear anything. Five minutes of frantic knocking later, I twist the knob to find the door unlocked. That's unlike Blakely. She's so paranoid she won't leave a window open evn if she's in the same room, let alone leaving a door unlocked whn she's nowhere in sight. 

I push open the door and step inside into the living room. The house is completely silent so Trinity must be at work. I look around and everything looks in order so she must be in her bedroom. Probably sleeping her ass off. I walk down the hall into Blakely's hall. Her bed looks untouched as well. I hear water running in the bathroom.

I guess she must be in the shower. I'm not gonna intrude though. I sit on Blakely's bed and pull out my Galaxy S4. I kick off my shoes because I know I'm gonna be here for awhile.

About thirty minutes later, I'm still on Blakely's bed. I stand up, about to go in the bathroom, but I step in a large pool of water.

"What the he-" I stop mid- sentence when I look torwards the door and see water pouring from under it. I run to the door open it.  Water is all over the bathroom floor. I find my way over to the tub and I see Blakely in her underwear. She's laying with her head against the wall in a overflowing tub of red water. 

I quickly turn off the water and grab Blakely's face in my hands, shaking her gently. She doesn't respond in any way. I put my fingers on her neck to feel her pulse.


I scoop her drenched body up in my arms and take her to the bed. As I lay her down I see the deep gashes on her legs, blood pouring out of them. I thought she stopped this in highschool. She did. Did she lie to me? No she wouldn't do that. Or would sh- STOP MASON! Think straight. Your best friend is basically dying. 

I think frantically and feel myself beginning to have a panic attack. No no no. I grab my phone quickly and dial 911.

"911, how may I he-" I cut her off with my jumbled up words.

"Myfriendisdyingandshehas nopulseandshesbleedingtodeathshetriedtocommitsuicideandcomehelp!"

"Sir, calm down. You're panicing. Please repea-"

"Madison Avenue, the Pretants Abode apartment complex, floor 7, apartment 7C!" I yell frantically and end the call. 

I look over at Blakely and her legs are still bleeding greatly. I take off my scarf and sweater, wrapping them around her legs to stop the bleeding some. I sit on the bed and pull her into my lap. I sit with her caressing her hair. 

Dear God, I know it's been years since I last prayed. I know I don't claim to believe in you. I know Blakely doesn't believe in you either, but please please let her live. She's all I have. I love her don't let me lose her. Please don't.. I can't live wihtout her... 

I kept praying, tears streaming down my face as the paramedics took her away on a stretcher, me in tow on another one. 

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