Chapter: 15

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~Sebastian's POV~ 

"Sebastian Montague. Why are you in here? You know the rules: In your own room after 10." Dr. Xavier spoke to me in a stern voice. I rub the sleep from my eyes and stand up from Blakely's bed. 

Now don't go thinking dirty. We didn't do anything, just slept. After she fell asleep on the roof, I brought her in. I was gonna leave and go to my room, but she wouldn't let me go. So I laid down next to her and we slept, my arms tightly wraped around her. 

"I'm sorry Dr., but we didn-."

"No time for that now Sebastian. I have some wonderful news for you."

"What news?" 

"Well Sebastian, the other doctors and I have been watching you more closely over the past few weeks. We've noticed a great change in you Sebastian, it's quite remarkable." Dr. Xavier speaks in a very delighted voice. 

"What exactly are you saying doctor?" I don't want to be rude, but I would really appreciate if she just told me what was happening.

"What I'm saying is that you're being released Sebastian, released! After the time you have spent here, you can finally leave." She gives me a huge smile. I feel dumbfounded as she says that. Released. Released..  I can finally go home. I can go home... Home!

Home.. I don't have a home anymore. When I got put here my rent for my apartment was over a month due, that's why I got the job at Subway. What am I going to do? I'll have nowhere to stay. I don't have a job anymore, I got fired the day my nose was broken..

I look down and I see Blakely laying in her cot, fast asleep. Her knees up to her chest, hair splayed across the pillow, thumb barely grazing her lips. Blakely...  I can't leave her, not now. I finally tell her how I feel and now I have to leave her? I can't do that. Not to her. She's been through so much already, I can tell.

I my mind goes on overdrive trying to think of a good excuse. Yes Sebastian, you're great at excuses, you shouldn't have a problem. 

"I... I-I'm not ready to be released."

Dr. Xavier's smile disappears and is replaced with an inscrutable line of her tight lips. "What do you mean, 'not ready?'"

"I just mean I'm not ready. I've been feeling more depressed lately, more than before. I'm not ready to be on my own again."

"You'll be fine. The nurses have been lowering your dose of antidepressants and you're doing rather well. You're ready Sebastian. Also, the news has already been given to you're parents, they aren't paying for your stay anymore." She walks away towards the door. "You'll be called to get your things and get your release papers signed in 20 minutes. 

I turn around and sit on Blakely's bed. "Oh and Sebastian," I look up at Dr. Xavier. "she'll be okay."

As the door closes I let out a long, depressed sigh. I look over at Blakely, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. I lay my hand on her side and she stirs. She blinks a few times and opens her big brown eyes, looking directlly at me. A huge smile forms on her face, but it quickly vanishes as she sees my expression. 

 "What's wrong Sebastian?" 

"I have to tell you something important."

Blakely furrows her eyebrows in the cutest way. "What is it?" 

"I'm just gonna say it. I'm leaving."

She stays silent, her eyes fixated on me. Though she's looking straight at me, it's as if she's looking through me. 

"Blakely I-."

"Okay." She gets up out of bed and goes over to her dresser.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to take a shower." She begins to walk out of the room, but I get up and grab her by the arm, pulling her back to me. 

"Blakely, I don' t want to leave. I honestly want to stay with you, but I can't. My parents aren't paying for me to stay here anymore. I don't have the money myself. And the doctors said I'm so much better. I don't need to stay here anymore. It'll bring back bad memories."

Blakely looks at me with a blank stare before replacing it with a smile. "I understand. Now go get ready to leave." She smiles once more before walking out of the room. 


~Blakely's POV~

I walk away from Sebastian full of sadness. I thought he would be a good one, I really did. I guess I thought wrong. All the guys in my life leave me at some point. I'm luck y enough he liked me at all. 

I sigh and go sit in the shower stall. Oh how I wish I had my razor. But it's probably long gone by now. 

After awhile I finally get up and put on some new clothes. I walk down the hall to the front office. I see Sebastian and a man and woman who look like him. I assume they're his parents. They walk over to him and begin to walk out the door. Sebastian turns around and sees me. He comes running towards me, picking me up in his arms. We hugged for what seemed like forever. He let me go and left with his parents, leaving me alone with that last goodbye. 


Author's Note:

Hey guys. Sorry it's been so long. It's been pretty hectic. So it's Christmas! Merry Christmas guys! This is your present from me. I know it's short, but it's the thought that counts right? No? Okay :c So I'm on break so I'll try to post more... Maybe. This chapter isn't good.. But whatever. Bye guys.. 


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