Chapter: 9

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~?????? POV~

I wake up early for my daily jog around the park. I quickly get dressed in my athletic shorts and tshirt and leave the house. I jog across the street to the park and begin doing my stretches. After warming up a few minutes, I set off. 

The brisk autumn wind blows against my face, sending my hair flying across my face. I flip my hair and begin to pace myself.

One, two, three... Breathe.

One, two, three... Breathe.

I keep doing my sequence of breathing until I see a girl arguing with a guy. I start to run past them until I hear her scream. I shoot my head around and see him hitting her and trying to drag her by the hair. She tries to fight back, but he throws her to the ground and kicks her in the head. 

I completely lose it at that point. I charge up to the guy and slug him. He staggers back, caught off gaurd. He swings at me, but I dodge his punch and kick his legs from under him. He falls back and lands hard on the concrete, hitting his head in the process.

I run over to the girl. She looks pale and limp. My breath gets caught in my throat as I check for her pulse. I feel the soft beating and let out my breath.

Carefully I pick the limp girl up in my arms, as if she's the most fragile thing in this world, and I run across the street to my house.

I push open the front door and carry her to my bedroom, laying her gently on my bed. As she lays unconscious, I take the time to study her features. Her long thick hair, delicately splayed around her round, milk chocolate face. Her full lips and small nose. She's beautiful.

I see a strand of hair falling in front of her eyes and I fight the urge to push it behind her ear. I get up and begin to pace around the room. Gosh, what am I gonna do with this girl?

~Blakely's POV~

I wake up to feel a terrible throbbing pain in my head. I try to raise up, but I'm too sore to move. After a bit of struggle I sit up and find that I'm in a unfamiliar room. Brown walls with blue and orange accents, a mahogany dresser and nightstand, computer desk, book case, and the most comfortable looking armchair.

I look down to find myself engulfed in a brown comforter, surrounded by orange and blue pillows. I rub my eyes and look around one last time. How did I get here? I begin to get out of the bed, but I hear footsteps.

Memories flood back to me of last night. My fight with Clayton, running away, sleeping in the park, waking up to find a man trying to rape me, and then it goes blank. The footsteps get closer and I scoot to the very top of the bed, pulling the comforter up with me. 

A man walks into the room. He doesn't look like a rapist at all, but a sweet and all around nice guy. He looks at me with his brown eyes and come's closer. "Great, you're finally awake! I was beginning to worry!" He walks over to the side of the bed and sits down, causing the bed to dip to the side. 

Petrified, I shriek and scoot over as much as I can. He notices my fear and his eyes soften greatly. "I'm sorry, I never introduced myself. I'm Chanceton Erlong. I know your're wondering how you got here. Well, I found you in the park. If I hadn't have been there when I had, you would've gotten severely hurt by your boyfriend."

I loosen up a bit at his words. "That man was not my boyfriend. I don't know who he was."

He furrows his brow. "Why would a girl like you even be out that early in the morning, alone?"

"I actually slept on that bench last night." I say as I look down at my hands.

"Why would you sleep there?" He looked truly concerned as he asked.

I didn't answer, but kept fiddling with my hands. Chanceton sensed my uneasiness and decided to change the subject. "Well, come on! I know you must be hungry right now." He grabs my hand as he stands up.

I try to pull my hand away. "Thank you... Chanceton. You've honestly helped me enough. I'll just leave now."

"Nonsense!" He basically drags me down the hall into his kitchen. He pushes me down into a wooden chair at the kitchen table. "Now you sit here while I make you some good ol' eggs and bologna."

I smile softly at him and wait while he fries some scrambled eggs and bologna. He brings our plates back and sits across from me at the table. We sit and eat in a comfortable silence until we both finish. 

I stand up and walk out of the kitchen and Chanceton follows me. "Thank you so much Chanceton. You've helped me more than necessary."

"No problem. What kind of man would I be if I had let the man hurt you?" 

I smile and begin to walk out of the door. "Oh wait! I never got your name."

I look back at him. "I'm Blakely Stone." 


Author's Note:

Hello guys!! I'm so happy to say I'm almost at 1,000 reads!! I want to thank y'all so much for reading this book! I know I haven't updated in awhile, but you guys have still been loyal readers! Anyywwaaayyyssss..... What do you guys think about Chanceton? How do you think he will affect Blakely's life? Answer in the comments! Voteee Comment Voteee!!!                                                          ~Cyanide is Deadly xD


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