Chapter: 13

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Hello readers! I want to thank everyone who participated in the contest and everyone who has voted or read the story so far. I appreciate all of you. But you silent readers need to start being unsilent. You know you want to. ;) Lol.. anyways. This chapter is dedicated to @mybrownskin for guessing S's name. :3 Sebastian. Such a lovely name. I also want to thank @Stacystac218 for inspiring new ideas for this chapter and the next few!


~Sebastian's POV~

"Stop daddy! No! Don't hit mommy!" Daddy kept kicking her and kicking her. Blood was everywhere. 

"Mommy! Wake up!" Daddy hit me across the face. It hurt really bad. He dragged mommy out to the lake behind the house and threw her in. 

"Daddy, where's mommy?" I'd ask him everyday. And I'd always get the answer: "She's not comiing home today." 

I shot up out of my cot drenched in sweat. My hair was clinging to my forehead. I could hardly breathe. I pull my knees up to my chest and bury my face into my knees. I begin to rock slowly back and forth, monitoring my breathing. Dr. Xavier told me this technique may help with my panic attacks. 

After 10 minutes of rocking I calm down. "Another nightmare huh?" My room mate, or in my words, prison mate, David was sittng on the edge of his cot looking at me. He had a knowing look in his eyes. 

I put my legs down and look at him. "No." I answer him coldly.

"You don't always have to be so cold you know. All of us are here for just about the same reason."

It's true. Since I've been here I've been somewhat cold to everyone. I've only held actual conversation 3 people here since I came. One being Dr. Xavier and the other Annaliese. The other was a girl I met on my first day here. She was so nice. Amber. I actually had a huge crush on here. We were going to get together somewhere when we both got out. We all thought she was doing better, but we were wrong. Amber committed suicide on her release day.

I shake my head, forcively clearing the thoughts from my mind. Stop it Sebastian. I'm sorry, I'll stop thinking of her. 

"I'm not cold." I get out of my cot and grab a towel and my new clothes for the day out of my drawer in the corner. I head out of the door to the "bedroom" and go into the shower across the hall. I strip down to my boxers and I turn on the water, ice cold.

I feel daggers stabbing into my skin sharply as the freezing water pours down over me. I stand there just thinking, no movements at all. After about 10 minutes I dry myself of and change my boxers and clothes. I walk out of the shower room and go into the lunch room for breakfast.

I see Blakely sitting at a table alone. She looks up and waves at me as she sees me walking towards her. God, she's so beautiful. No she isn't Sebastian. Right, she isn't. I sit down at the table next to her. Her beautiful hazel eyes light up. 


"Hello Annaliese."

"God Sebastian, don't call me that."

I look at her surprised. "How do you know my name? Who told you? Where are they?" I feel myself begin to panic. You've got to calm down.. Breathe... 

I know it's not a big deal to most people if someone knows their name, but it is to me. It really bothers me. I feel like the person is watching me, trying to expose my secrets. 

"Your friend David told me." She says nonchalantly as she spoons more oatmeal into her mouth.

I slam my fist down onto the table. "He's not my friend." I speak bitterly through gritted teeth. 

It came out a lot more cold than I wanted. She stopped moving mid-bite of her oatmeal. I watched as her body stiffened and her eyes filled with pain. 


"Don't. Just don't." Her voice came out strained, as if on the verge of pouring out tears. 

She gets up and runs out of the dining hall. What have I done..? I stand up and run out as well. I walk down the corridors until I find her room. I push open the door to see her sitting in the corner, head on knees. I slowly, silently walk over to her, sitting on the ground next to her. 

I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. I feel her body tense and I wait for her to protest, but she doesn't. We sit in a comfortable silence. 


Author's Note:

Hello guys! I'm sorry I haven't uploaded. I've been really busy with school. They've pilled us with exams and a lot of club activities right before Christmas break. I'll definitely be posting more then. So, this is just a filler chapter. A very short one, sorry. I just wanted to give you guys something. A little taste of Sebastian's thoughts. I hope y'all like the name. If not, well too bad for you xD Jk. So, until next time... 


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