Chapter 1

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Min's P.O.V

"Let's eat lunch." - Vin, my best friend said. I nodded. We went to the convenience store, just across the barista we're working. We bought ramen and a drink. We head back to the barista's kitchen and eat there.

Let me introduce myself. Annyeong chingu! I'm Min, Kwon Min. I'm working in a barista with my best friend. Her name is Vin, Park Vin. The barista that i'm working is called 'Grey's Barista'. By the way, Vin and I have been best friends since 12. And now we're 21. Now that i realise, it's been 9 years. About myself, i have brown long wavy hair, chocolate colored eyes.

Oh! And i'm a very bright and happy person. I have lots of friends. Be it in work or public. And be it kids or old people. Thats it. Oh and i have a huge obsession with the color Green Mint. It's such a nice color! And also the flavor mint! On anything, sweets, chocolate, ice cream etc, i love it!

My family? I live with my eomma, appa, oppa and little sister. I'm the 2nd or middle child. My oppa's name is Kwon Soonyoung. Yes or known as Kwon Hoshi, from Seventeen. And my little sister, Kwon Rin, 17. My parents are normal human beings. We're not rich, not poor. In the middle state.

After we're done eating lunch, we wash our hands and continue working. Vin and my other colleague, Hazel will be doing the drinks. While i'll be on the counter.

"Hello. Welcome to Grey's Barista! May i take your order?" - i said with a smile. This guy is using all black. But he look pale? Is he sick? He gave me a smile. What a cute smile.

"Yes. I would like to have 3 Cotton Candy Frappe, 2 Iced Americano and 2 Iced Chocolate Mocha." - he said. I key in the drinks he wants, in the counter.

"Hyung, i want chocolate cake. Jimin hyung wants cheesecake." - a guy suddenly came, talking to this pale guy.

"Okay." - he said. His friend walked away as he turn his gaze back to me.

"Oh and 1 chocolate cake and 1 cheesecake." - he said. I nodded with a smile.

"Drinking here?" - i asked. He nodded. I gave him the bill and he payed. I pass the receipt to him as Vin and Hazel did the drinks, take the slices of cake. I continued doing my job as per normal.

I saw the corner of my eyes, the pale guy walked over a table with 6 people. Including him, 7 people.

8 pm ...

We're closing down soon. That 7 guys are still there. All customers have left, except for them. I walk to them with a smile. I cleared my throat and they turn their gaze to me.

"I'm sorry. But we're closing down. Could you guys leave?" - i said as polite as i can. Cause it can sound very rude.

"Oh really? Sorry we didn't notice." - the one with a dimple said. I nodded with a smile.

"Let's go guys." - another one with small eyes said. They got up, and gave me a small bow.

"Thank you." - they said with a smile. I bowed slightly and thank them too. They left. I pick up their empty cups and throw it. The plates, i put it in the sink. I clean the other part of the barista.

After everything is done, i bid goodbye to my colleagues. Vin and I always walk home together, since we live quite near.  "You know what time we'll need to report tomorrow?" - Vin asked.

I shook my head. "Why?" - i asked.

"10am. " - Vin said.

"Really?" - i asked. Vin nodded. Well, that's good. I get to sleep more.

"See you tomorrow!" - Vin said.

"See you too!" - i said as i wave her good bye. I got in my house and got greeted by my eomma.

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