Chapter 4

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Min's P.O.V

I walk in the bubble tea shop. I stop in front of the counter and smiled. "Oh Min!" - Hazel, the counter greeted me with a smile. I smiled.

"Hey Hazelieeeeenut. Hehe." - i played with her name and giggled. She shook her head while laughing.

"So, what drink do you want?" - she asked.


"Wait. I know. Mint Bubble Tea?" - she cut me. I laughed with a nod.

"Yes please." - I answered, laughing.

"Who doesn't know this Min? Hahaha, let me do your drink." - she said. I payed for my drink and got them. I grab my drink and took a sit. Waiting for Vin, patiently. Yesterday's shopping was tiring. Because Vin be wanting to go all of the shops. Urgh that girl.

I took a sip and look out of the window. I widen my eyes and look at somewhere else. I'm dreaming. Yes, i am. Let's try looking out of the window again. Slowly this time.

I turn my head, slowly, looking out of the window. Again, i saw the same thing. I rubbed my eyes and look again. Oh god this is frustrating. I pinched myself and oh damn it hurts. Okay, i'm not dreaming. What are they doing here?!

The 7 are right outside the window. What the heck?! And i met his eyes, Min Yoongi. I don't know what or why, but we were staring each other. For seconds. I look away when someone tap on my hand.

"Sorry i'm late." - Vin said. I was so close to slap her because i got shocked.

"Are you okay?" - she asked. I nodded. She got up, buying her drink and came back once she got it. At the corner of my eyes, i still can see them, still there. Okay, chill Min. It's just coincidence, right? Of course it is.

When both of us are done drinking, we head out of the shop, walking to Grey's Barista. We're going to be late so we took the shortcut. Which where we need to walk pass those 7 guys and make a turn to the right. Goshhhhhhh.

I hold onto Vin's hand and walk pass them, fast. More like running. We made a right turn and continued running. Once we reach the back of Grey's Barista, we stopped and panted.

"Why did you pull me? We could have just walked." - Vin nagged.

"Didn't you see those guys?" - i asked while panting.

"What guys??" - she asked, with a frown.

"Bangtan, Vin. Bangtan!" - i exclaimed.

"Really? Oh my god, i didn't see th-"

"No!" - i yelled. She stood still, shocked.

"Sorry. My mind is a mess." - i said, lowering my voice.

"You better tell me." - Vin said. I nodded. We walked inside and start working.

Fast forward...

We're done with work. We walking home. "How about dinner?" - i asked.

"Pizza?" - Vin suggested.

"Yass!!" - the both of us cheered together.

"But you gotta go alone. I can only join after 11 pm. My parents are leaving for Perth at 9 pm." - Vin said.

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