27. Psych

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"Okay, what's up?" Tori asks once she's stood in the center of the cortex.

"Joe says there was a robbery at 9th last night. A man who has telekinesis. Same guy intruded the hospital down the block and injured 10 workers the other night" Barry informs her, walking to her.


"I don't know, the police are still looking for what he might've taken" Barry explains.

"Ok" Tori rubs her face,"um, do we know how he looks?"

"Joe describes him as a big guy, around 6'2" and he wore a large black coat. He also has short brown hair. That's all they got" he says.

"Alright, well guess we just wait for him to strike again before we can see who it is" Tori sighs,"any news on Ronnie"

"Not yet" Cisco says, making Tori sigh again.

"Okay, well I'm going to the gym" she says, walking to the glass case with her suit in it.

"Why?" Caitlin asks.

"Why not?"

"Well, you just, never go so it seemed random" she explains.

"There's nothing else to do. Everything right now is a waiting game until either Ronnie/ Stein or the mystery telekinesis guy shows up" she grabs a duffel bag from under her suit that contained what she wears to train before stuffing her suit in it as well.

"What if either one of them show up tonight?" Caitlin asks.

"Caitlin, you're acting like I'm going two towns away. I'm going like 3 blocks away. If something happens I'll be there in literally a second. I'll keep my ear piece in if that makes you feel better" Tori says, taking the ear piece from her suit and putting it on.

"There. I'll see you guys later" she says before flashing out.

When she reaches the gym, she immediately starts boxing and training her muscles.

The reason why she decided to do all that in a gym instead of in the training center in the basement of the lab is really simple.

She wanted to get away from the lab. She's literally always there and just wanted to be away from it for a while.

After two hours, two hours of pure silence, she heads out, her duffel bag on her shoulder.

She decided to walk back home, given the fact it was only about 4 blocks away and she wanted to walk like a normal human being for once since she got powers.

She looked around as she walked down the street, mentally marking the places just in case she needed to fight someone.

Her thoughts were interrupted once screaming was brought to her attention.

She looks forward and sees dozens of people fleeing from a hospital building, things being thrown out and around inside the building.

Tori groaned, knowing who it was, before running into a nearby alley and teleporting into her suit then into the building where she saw the man of the hour.

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