51. Change of Mind

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The team watched as the four men in the pipeline were on the floor.

"We need to shut down the wormhole quickly" Stein says and Caitlin and Ronnie run off.

Brooke watches the computer carefully, wondering the same thing as everyone else.

Why didn't he save his mother?

"Why?" Wells asks as he as Barry stood back up,"You could have had the life you wanted. You could have had everything you ever wanted!"

"I already do" Barry replies before Reverse runs to Barry, pushing him against the wall and holding his hand up.

"Not for long. Just so we're clear, after I kill you, I'm going to kill them and then I'm going to kill your father. I always win, Flash" Wells says as he vibrates his hand, bringing it closer to Barry's chest.

Suddenly, there's a bang and everyone's heads turn to where the noise came from.

Eddie had shot himself.

Back in the cortex, the rest of the team was watching, and now shock and terror was shown on their faces.

"Eddie!" Iris shouts before running out of the cortex, everyone's face still filled with shock.

"What did he do?" Brooke gasps.

"What did you do?!" Joe yells running to him and catching his as he fell to the ground,"what did you do?!" he shouts again.

"No such thing as a coincidence" Eddie smiles.

Barry stands back up after Wells pushed away from him. He looks at him and sees as Wells begins to vibrate, almost blinking.

"What's happening?" Barry asks.

"Eddie's his ancestor" Cisco realizes,"If Eddie dies, he'll never be born, and he's being erased from existence" he explains as Iris runs down to the pipeline, kneeling next him.

"No! No! Eddie" she cries,"Eddie, no. Stay with me, okay? Stay" she holds Eddie in her arms, Joe standing up.

"He was wrong," Eddie refers to Eobard, smiling for her,"I'm a hero after all" he says making Iris smile sadly back at him.

"You are, Eddie. You are my hero"

"That's all I ever wanted to be. Your hero"

Iris cried at his final words, her body shaking in sobs.

"I've controlled your life for so long, Barry. How will you get along without me?" Eobard asks as his true identity is shown but he is now being erased from existence.

After this happens, another problem occurs.

Behind everyone, the wormhole once used to help Barry travel in time was reopening.

"Guys, that's not good" Cisco states.

The wormhole kept growing and things began to get sucked into it.

"We got to go" Joe says before walking back to Iris who continued to stare at her dead boyfriend, tears running down her face.

"Iris, we have to go" Joe tells her and she looks up at him.

"I'm not leaving him"

"We have to go now, honey. I'm sorry" Joe says before helping her up and they leave the pipeline.

The entire team met outside of the lab where they were faced with yet another problem.

A large wormhole in sky that was now sucking up the city.

"So that's what we didn't want to happen" Brooke states as everyone stood in shock,"What's it doing?"

"Feeding" Stein states,"the singularity won't stop, not even after the Earth is gone. I'm afraid the accretion disc has already assembled"

There's a moment of silence and if it wasn't windy (you know, because of the big ass wormhole in the sky) you'd be able to hear motors turning as the scientist tried to think of what to do.

"Diffuse material that's in orbital motion around the singularity" Stein breaks the 'silence'.

"What does that mean?" Caitlin asks.

"We have to disrupt the motion" Barry simplifies it,"basically it's just like the tornado, only upside down...and bigger...and scarier"

"Barry, that event has an energy level of at least 6.7 Tera Electron Volts. It cannot be stopped" Stein tries to tell them.

But we all know Bartholomew Henry Allen.

"I have to try" and he looks at his team, pulls on his masks and runs.

He uses the pieces of debris that were flying into the wormhole to propel himself to the hole as he ran.

Once he reached the eye, he ran in the opposite direction of the wormhole, containing the singularity.

Cisco had his phone to communicate to Barry via his earpiece.

"Keep doing what you're doing!" Cisco says.

"I'm not sure how much longer I can" is Barry's reply.

"Now what?" Cisco asks Stein.

"We have to merge the inner and outer event horizons" he replies.

"How do we do that?" Ronnie asks.

"By separating in the eye of it" Stein looks back at his partner,"The amount of energy from the fissure should do the trick. It's our only hope, Ronald"

Ronnie then turns to Caitlin as he placed the tech that helped him and Stein separate on his chest.

"Ronnie, no. It's too dangerous. What if you can't escape the inrush?" She asks.

"Cait, we have to try" Ronnie says before kissing Caitlin.

Ronnie then walks to Stein before merging with him and flying off, up to the singularity where Barry ran.

When Barry sees them, he knows exactly what is happening.

"Ronnie. Professor. No!" Barry says but before he can say more, Firestorm separate, and the singularity is now just smoke and fire in the air as Barry is pushed away and is now running down the side of a building, saving Stein as he fell from the sky, no Ronnie in sight.

Happy new year!!!

One chapter left !! 😬😬😬

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