Chapter 14 | Watch out

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~???'s POV~

  I wasn't going for Mark. It was just his Facebook was the only one I could message. I wanted Jack, and I'll take him by any means necessary. I've noticed the strange girl in a lot of Jack's Twitter posts lately. Who was she? Was she a sibling of his that we didn't know about...? I doubt it, Jack would have mentioned her before. She's certainly not his girlfriend, because that's my job... Whoever she is, she won't be there long, I can promise that. I gripped the steering wheel even tighter and pressed the petal to the floor, didn't want to be late for my dear Jack.

~Kara's POV~

  We were on the plane ride back to LA. Hannah had fallen asleep on Jack's shoulder and seemed quite content. Jack, however, looked almost as worried as Mark did. I don't blame them though, if I had a weird stalker claiming to come after me then I'd be a little freaked out too. I turn my head to Mark and realized he was zoned out too. I set my hand on his hand in hopes of comforting him a little. He looks at me and smiles a warm, half-hearted smile. I try to start a conversation. "You doing ok..?" I asked. I already knew the answer, but I know he needed to talk about it with someone. "Yeah.. Once we get back to LA we'll figure it out." he replied. I nodded. He was right, there was no use in getting worried about it now. The stalker doesn't know we left.

~Jack's POV~

  Having Hannah next to me made me feel so much better, and she's so adorable when she sleeps. I lay my head down lightly on her sleeping head and put my arm around her. I immediately start to relax and decide a nap would do me some good too. I'm sure everything will turn out fine... won't it?

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