Chapter 30 | Finally!

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~Kara's POV~

I notice Hannah had finally gotten her cuffs free. She then slid the glass up to her hands and cut the ropes on her feet. After making sure Kristen wasn't in sight she had walked over to me and cut the ropes on my feet and helped me out of the cuffs. "Thanks..." I muttered as I stretched my arms and legs. "No problem, now let's get out of here." she said quickly. We made a break for the door when suddenly something busted into the room. Then we realized who it was. "Jack! Mark! You guys are here!" Hannah yelled excitedly. Then every gaze in the room turned to her, Jack and Mark were very relieved but Kristen and Alyx were surprised, that surprise quickly turned to anger. "They escaped! I thought you'd securely tied them up!" Kristen screamed. "You said you were going to make sure that they couldn't escape, it's not my fault!" Alyx shouted back. "Whatever, they're all here now and that's what we need." Kristen answered darkly. Mark and Jack ran over to us and hugged us tightly. "Are you guys alright?!" Jack asked making sure Hannah wasn't hurt. She laughed. "We're alright Jack." she said staying close to him. "Oh shut up. You know you don't really care about her Jack, so just stop." Kristen growled. Jack turned to her and walked towards her. "You know, I'm not sure where you're getting this 'I don't like Hannah' crap but you need to get that out of your head. I'm tired of hearing it and I'm sure everyone else is too. (Oh look at me breaking the fourth wall! c:) You need to leave us alone before we have you arrested again. I love her with all my heart, no one else. I'd never love you Kristen, so stop trying." he said furiously. I noticed Kristen had a bit of sadness in her eyes and for a moment I felt a pang of sadness but that quickly left when I noticed Kristen running towards Hannah. Jack quickly jumped in front of her and punched Kristen. She fell to the ground and we looked up at Alyx, she just stood there staring at Kristen with surprise. "Let's go!" Mark said. He grabbed my hand and we ran out of the building over to the pier.

~Jack's POV~

We stopped at the pier and I turned to Hannah. "Are you sure you're alright, they didn't hurt you?" I asked half worried and half excited. She was ok and back with me. "Yes I'm fine." she said with a smile. I hugged her once again and didn't want to let her go.

*Time skip. Back at Jack's new apartment*

"They won't follow us anymore. I think they might have got the message this time." I say laughing. "Yeah, I bet they did." Mark answered. "Gonna get a drink, hold on." I say and jump up, running to the kitchen. I quickly remember that I'd set the bracelet on the counter and grab it. I walk back into the main room and sit down by Hannah. I pull out the long black box and open it. "Hannah!" I whisper loudly. "Whhhaaaatt." she asks and I suddenly grab her hand and put the bracelet on her. She looks at it and squeals. "It's perfect! I love it, thank you!" she said hugging me. "You should read it!" I say excitedly. She peers down at it and smiles. I remember what it said. Exactly what I thought about her everyday.

"Everything I See In You Is So Perfect"

Everything I See In You (jacksepticeye X Hannah Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora