Chapter 27 | What?

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~Jack's POV~

  I start to open my eyes when I heard people rustling and somewhat loud murmurs along the plane. "Mark? Mark, wake up." I say almost pushing him to the floor. "Ugh, good God Jack... let me wake up first..." he mumbles sleepily. We pull out our suitcases and head for the main room of the airport. "Is someone picking us up?" I ask. "Nah, we'll get a cab." he says. We head outside and stand for about 10 minutes before we finally get a cab. Mark tells him where to go and we drive there in about 5 minutes. We pull up the the apartment and I suddenly get very excited. We were home! Walking into the building Mark sees some old friends and decides to talk for a while. "I'm gonna go back to the apartment and let the girls know we're here." I tell him. He nods in my direction letting me know that he heard. I take the elevator to our floor and suddenly get an uneasy feeling. 'What's wrong with me? We're home, I should be happy, not nervous.' I think to myself. Suddenly the elevator door opens and I step out. I head to the room, with my suitcase rolling behind me. I went for the doorknob and half expected it to be locked but since those two were home it didn't surprise me. "Hannah! Kara! We're home!" I yell. No response. "Hannah? You home?" I call again. Still nothing. 'They're probably just out.' I say in my head. Suddenly Mark walks in with a big smile. "Are they here?" he asks. "Nope, probably just out doing something." I respond. I see a hint of sadness in his eyes but he just shrugs and walks to his room. To be honest, I was a little sad that they weren't here either but they would be later so it's alright. Suddenly a loud yell from Mark's room breaks into my thoughts. "NO. NOT NOW, WHY?!" he screeches. I drop my suitcase and quickly run to his room.  Stopping in my tracks at the doorway I notice him on his knees looking at a piece of paper with tears flooding down his face. "Mark?! What's wrong?!" I ask. He turns around to me and hands me the paper. I quickly scan over it and feel a mix of emotions inside. 

"We have them. You knew we'd be back, so don't act so surprised. Although we expected you to be there. Don't worry, we won't hurt them. Yet. Meet us within 72 hours at the abandoned pier and we'll talk more there. See you soon, dear Jack. <3

                                                                                                                       ~K & A"

  Tears form in my eyes. "No." I say softly. "What are we going to do?!" I ask louder than I intended. Mark stands back up running his hands through his hair. "Well, I guess we do what the note says..." he finally answers. "Shouldn't we call the police or something?!" I ask. "Then what? If we call the police we could be putting them in danger." he points out. He's right, I never thought of that. Well looks like we won't be getting sleep tonight.

*Time skip*

  Mark and I sat in the living room just staring at the note on the table. "Who do you think did this?!" he asks. "Well, it's says K and A, so I'm almost completely sure one of them is Kristen." I answer. "Kristen? That's impossible, we watched her get arrested, she should be in jail!" he says. "Yeah, she should be, that doesn't mean she is. She probably escaped." I point out. There was a moment of silence but it was suddenly broken. "Darn it!" Mark yelled as he hit his fist into the arm of the chair. I decide to speak up. "Who do you think 'A' is?" I ask quietly. "I don't know... when Kristen came last time she was on her own." he says. I stand up and look down at Mark. "Well I'm not going to stand around worrying and wondering. I'm going to the pier." I bluntly said. Without waiting for Mark to reply, I headed for the door and swung it open. "Wait, I'm coming too." he says while grabbing me by the arm. "Didn't expect anything else." I say still walking out the door.

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