Chapter 32 | Ending 1/2

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~Hannah's POV~

It was Jack's birthday today! We were having a big celebration for him, and to also celebrate something else very special. His channel had recently hit 45 million subscribers! He was ecstatic, and I definitely was too. "Ready for the party?" Jack asked with a huge smile on his face. I snap out of my thoughts and look up at him. "Definitely!" I answer excitedly. "Although, I still need to go to the store to get a few things that I forgot the other day." I say. He walks over to me and sits next to me pulling me into a big bear hug. "Ok, be safe!" he said with a laugh. "Jack, I'm only going to the store, I'll be ok." I say smiling.

I decided that I'd walk today, it was a nice day after all. I step into the store and head straight for the isle with the cake. I know, I know, forgetting the cake on someone's birthday is almost criminal, but we still have a little time before it starts so I can finish it before then. While I'm here I might as well get more icecream too. Knowing some of the people that are going; Mark, Kara, Wade, Bob... yeah I'm getting more icecream. I peek down at my phone to check the time 11:34am, the party starts at 1:00pm so I have plenty of time. I rush over and grab the first box of icecream I see, cookies and cream! Perfect! I make my way to the cashier and quickly check out. After I get my few bags of things I head out of the store. Suddenly I notice a car pulling up and driving at the same speed I was walking. I stop and the car does too. The driver rolls down the window to reveal a familiar face, Alyx. She looks at me with a devious half smile and pulls out a pistol. "Now, you're going to get in and you're going to show me where you live. Got it?" she growls quietly. I can tell that she senses my fear but I'm mostly just angry. "And if I refuse?" I ask boldly. She cocks the pistol and points it in my direction. "You'll be killed on the spot." she says and opens the driver side door. "In you go." she says after a moment of silence. I step into the car and close the door. She gets in the passenger side and holds the gun up at me. "Start driving." she demands. I slowly start to drive towards the house, but I suddenly get a better idea. She has no idea where we live, so she can't say I'm going the wrong way. "You know, I really don't want to hurt anyone... I just... I want Mark." she admits. 'I don't care about you or what you want.' I think to myself. "Sorry it has to be this way... oh wait, no I'm not." she says with a hysterical laugh. 'She's insane... I have to keep her away from everyone else.'

After about a half hour of driving she starts to get a little impatient. "Are you even going the right way?" she demands. "I think I know where I live." I snap back. She turns her head in my direction with a furious glare and holds the gun up again. "Shut up! Don't forget who's really in control here." she hisses. I realize that there's a steep drop off right next to us. 'Oh I haven't. It's me.' I say in my head and get a tighter grip on the steering wheel. I make a sharp right turn down the steep drop off and she looks at me with a worried expression. "What are you doing?! Are you crazy?!" she screeches. 'I could ask you the same question, I guess.' I say to myself. We're going at a fast speed down the hill at this point and I didn't plan on stopping. Suddenly we hit a tree and everything goes black.

~Jack's POV~

Mark, Kara and I were sitting on the couch having a fun conversation about potatoes when I suddenly get a call. I peer down at the phone to see who it's from; 'Unknown'. We all get quiet as I answer the call. "Hello?" I say quietly. "Is this Seán McLoughlin?" the voice at the other end asks. "Uh, yes. Who is this?" I ask. "My name is Marissa, I work at Mercy Hospital." (Don't judge me, I couldn't think of any other hospital) "We're calling because we have a.. uh.. Hannah Cypret here. She was in a very serious car accident and it says here that you're closest to her right now." she said. My heart drops and I throw the phone down. I jump up and race out the door, not even bothering to close it behind me. I head straight for the car and open the door, jump in and start it. Mark and Kara finally catch up and stop at the driver side door. "Seán! What's going on?!" Kara asked. "Get in, I'll explain on the way there." I said, even I could tell the fear in my voice. They hop in the back and I back out of the driveway and speed off. "Hannah was in an accident. They said it was serious." I said feeling tears starting to form. Kara didn't hesitate to let the tears start flowing. She turned to Mark and hugged him while she emitted tiny sobs. The entire car ride up until we got to the hospital was silent except for the tiny cries coming from Kara. After about 20 minutes of driving we finally pull into the parking lot of the hospital. We find a parking spot and step out of the car. I run up to the automatic doors and don't stop until we get to the front desk. "What room is Hannah Cypret in?" I ask worriedly. "Room 394, 5th floor." she answers with a smile. "Thanks!" I say and run to the elevator. I step into it with Kara and Mark not far behind. We finally reach the 5th floor and I run out looking at the rooms as I fly past them.

390... 392... Ah! 394! I bust into the room and see Hannah unconscious and in a full body cast. Everything was wrapped but her head. I feel tears stream down my face uncontrollably as I walk to her side. I sit down and put my hand on her arm. Everyone is silent until a doctor walks in. "Good, someone is here for her." he says, not looking up from his clipboard. Mark stands up and walks over to the doctor. "Was anyone else hurt?" he asked. 'That doesn't matter Mark! Hannah is the only one we should be concerned about!' I thought to myself. The doctor looks up and nods. "Someone named Alyx Hansen was in the car with her." he answers. 'Alyx! She was trying to get to us again! I thought we got rid of her? Oh God, help us.' I say to myself. Suddenly we hear a groan coming from Hannah. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at all of us. "Hannah you're awake!" I said excitedly. She didn't say anything but she smiled. I lean down and kiss her cheek. Kara walked over to Mark and the doctor and asked him a question that I was worried about as well. "Will she be alright? She'll be ok won't she?" she asked sadly. The doctor looked up and told Mark to step out of the room with him. So they went and Kara came over and sat by me looking at Hannah. "Hey fam... how are you feeling?" she asked quietly trying to hold back more tears. Hannah turned her head and smiled again. "Weak, but I'm sure it'll be fine." she said hoarsely. I realized that her heart monitor was beeping less than normal but just assumed it was because of her condition. Mark walked back in with a stressed look on his face. Kara shot up and ran to him. "So? What's the news?" she asked curiously. Mark didn't say anything and sat down with his face in his palms. Kara sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. He finally looked back up at us and, for the first time tonight, he started to cry. "The doctor said that... she has a very slim chance to live..." he said regretfully. Kara froze and just sat there not saying a word. I looked back at Hannah who still had a small smile. "What happened Hannah?" I finally asked. She looked back to me and laughed a little. "It's a weird story, actually. I went to the store, as you know and after I left she pulled up in the car with a gun demanding I take her to you guys. Of course I couldn't let her get to you so I decided that the best way to make sure she'd never get to you guys was to wreck the car, even if it meant if it'd be risking me." she said breathlessly. I leaned over and lightly hugged her. "You're a hero Hannah. You more than likely saved us from being killed..." I said half sad and half happily. She didn't say anything but just looked at me. "I love you guys more than you know." she said with a smile, breaking the silence. We all turned over to her as her heart monitor flat lined. We listened to the eerie humming of the monitor in horror. Kara shot up and ran over to Hannah. "NO. HANNAH PLEASE." she wailed tears once again returning to her eyes. I just sat there holding her lifeless hand, my heart being shattered into millions of pieces. My mind was filled with thoughts. Mostly just one:

Everything I saw in her was so perfect and beautiful. How can she be taken from us now?

Everything I See In You (jacksepticeye X Hannah Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora