~Letter - 1~

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*Word count: 2229*
Welcome to my first x reader!

I started this book quite a while ago, as in years ago and now I'm editing it yaaay, so I hope you enjoy ^^ and if you re-reading welcome back^^
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story.

Just a quick reminder for you and me:
(Y/N) - you name
(H/L) - hair length
(H/C) - hair colour
(S/T) - skin tone
(E/S) - eye shape
(E/C) - eye colour
(D/O/C) - drink of choice

As you can see I do give you the option of skin, hair and eye colour but other characters and 'yourself' mention that you look a lot like your 'mother'.

Name - (Y/n) Yeager
Age - Roughly 8 years older than Eren
Height - 5'2
Quick Back Story - You are Eren's older sister you joined the survey corps at 15, being the highest in your class you travelled up the ends pretty quickly and got into The Special Operation squad aka Levi's squad and soon became the second in command, you have a cool attitude but can joke around at the right time, people tend not to mess with you.

Your POV (you are about 19)

You eyes scan across the letter that you had received from your mother only a few hours ago, your eyes lingering on the words 'new little sister'. You place a hand under your chin in thought as you lent back into the chair still looking over at the letter. You let out a small sigh as you mind tried to comprehend all of the things this young girl had been through already. You look over at your desk, seeing the neat pile of finished paper work gave you an idea. You had finished all the work you had been given so surely Levi would let you have some time off to meet this 'Mikasa'. You smile at the thought of her, your mother had given you a very brief description of the girl, small, quiet, pale skin, black hair and big dark eyes. She had also mentioned the fact that she hasn't smiled once and rarely speaks since she came into the Yeager family, so maybe if you visited you could help her settle in a bit. Part of you had always wanted a little sister, Eren could be a little annoying sometimes, as many younger brothers are, but you still loved him unconditionally.

Sitting up right in your chair again as you thought of a rough plan of action. Standing up you let out a small groan as the aches in your muscles were stretched out, sitting in the same position for hours was not a good idea, something you figured out early on but continued to do so anyway. While you made your way over to Levi's office you let your mind wonder with different thoughts of the young girl you were (hopefully) soon to meet. Before you knew it you were facing the captains door causing you to freeze for a moment, you shook your head slightly to snap yourself out of the small daze and took in a deep breath and proceeded to knock. you waited only a moment before getting a rather grumpy "Name and business." in reply to your knocking. This was a normal response to give when getting a knock on an office door but Levi's response was always the driest. You cleared your throat to answer in a strong, clear voice. "(Y/n) Yeager, I wanted to speak with you, sir." You hear a muffled "Come in." Using that as your cue you slowly open the door, gently closing it behind you not wanting to disturb him anymore then you already have. You placed your hands behind your back as you waited patently to be seated. You had been taught to be respectful from the very beginning of your training, small things like this is what helped you get up the ranks, you were proper and kind and most of all respectful and the higher ups liked that as well as your strength and willingness in battle. Levi had hand picked you to be apart of his squad making you second in command something you take seriously knowing him and the rest of squad have a lot of trust in you. "Sit." He says with his usual cold look as he gestured to the chair that was placed in front of his desk. You give him a small nod before sitting down. He calming places his elbows on the desk resting his chin on the back of his intertwined hands. "What do you want, brat?" A small smile creeps up on your face as you think back to how his harsh words made you feel, you had come to know him better and now these words don't seem bother you at all. "Well, sir, I've received some news from my mother about my family and I've come to ask for your permission to take some time off to visit them." He sighs slightly causing a small wave of anxiety to flow through your chest, you notice your hands begin to fidget something you would often catch yourself doing when anxiety struck. "And may I ask what this 'news' is" His question causing you to look up from your hands you at him. "Well" you pause for a moment, trying to think of how to up the situation into a simple sentence. "My parents have taken in a young girl, from what my mother wrote in the letter she seems to have been through a...traumatic experience recently, so I wanted to meet her and get to know her and well, I haven't seen my family in a while and I would like to see how they are doing. I know its short notice as I've only just got the letter today but I wanted to see them as soon as I could." Letting out a small sigh relived you finally got it all out you wait patiently for his response. You glance around the office room admiring how amazingly clean it looked and smelt, not surprising though. Hearing him sigh you focus your attention on him once more. "For how long, and when?" "4 days and I was hoping to leave this evening, sir." Simple answers were best for this captain he hated how unnecessarily long some cadets went on when the answer could have been a simple yes or no, so you kept them as simple as you could wanting to be his good books. "I assume you've completed all of your paper work?" Even though he asked the question you knew he knew the answer, you were known for getting your work as soon as you could, even if it meant pulling a few all-nighters to do so. He looked deeply into your eyes as you felt a slight heat rise to your cheeks. You nod slightly hoping he hadn't noticed. "Yes sir." You watch him intently as he looks down in thought for a moment. "Fine." You let out a breath, one that you hadn't realise you were holding. "No longer or I'll have to come get you myself." He threatens, but in all honesty you wouldn't mind him coming to get you. "Of course, thank you sir." You give him a small smile as you waited for him to dismiss you. "You're dismissed." He said and with that you quickly get up turning on your heel to head for the door but before you could you reach it you're stopped in your tracks but his voice. "(Y/n)?" Turning around in slight shock you let out a small "Yes sir?". His eyes stare into yours intensely for a moment as if they were studying you, it was almost as if he wanted to say something. The short exchange ended when he looked back down at his paper work, resuming the position you found him in. "Never mind, enjoy your time away." You stand there for a moment, confused as to what that was all about. "R-Right, thank you sir. I will...see you in four days." You manage to get out before turning back again to leave making sure to close the door behind you. 'That was weird' you thought to yourself as your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You decide to brush it off making your way back to your room to begin getting your things together for your trip.

Levi's POV
'Damn it, what's wrong with me? Staring at her like that.' He rubs his face in frustration at his own actions 'I guess I just wanted to see her face one last time before she went, her eyes are so beauti-' His breath hitches in his throat, shocked by his own thoughts. He places a hand on his aching forehead, leaning into it with a sigh. 'Levi, get a hold of yourself. You cannot be falling for this brat' He lets out another frustrated sigh as he looks at the place you sitting just moments ago 'I can't, can I?'. His eyes roll in annoyance as he lets out his usual 'tch' 'stupid brat'.

Your POV
Once you had packed your stuff, which wasn't much to begin with, you said your goodbyes to everyone, "everyone" meaning your squad and of course your close friend Hange. For some reason you were drawn to the titan-crazed women you were unsure as to why but you ended up just rolling with it and found that you both just clicked, gradually overs the years shes become your best friend. Currently you were attempting to mount your horse but a certain someone was clinging onto you. "I'll miss you!" Hange yelled out as she hugged you tightly. You watched her with a bored expression while on the other hand she was practically on verge of tears. Sighing, a small smirk of amusement reaches your lips as you playfully pat her head. "There, there Hange. I'll only be gone for a few days, calm down." You begin to struggle, doing your best to get out of her death grip. "But what if you die?! You won't be able to confess your undying love for him!" A small gasp escapes your lips as the blush quickly rises to your cheeks knowing exactly which "him" she was referring to. You lightly hit her in embarrassment. "Hange! Stop it! You're obsessed." Letting out a frustrated huff as you finally manage to pry her off of you. "Ow!" she says dramatically as she rubs the place you had hit her. She lets out an exaggerated sigh "I'm just trying to help! You belong with him." She says pushing up her glasses while looking off into he distance, clutching her chest passionately. Staring at her for a moment you let out a small chuckle before sighing "Hange." She looks up at you with innocent eyes. "It's never gonna happen. He's my Captain, my leader. So please, stop with all your weird fantasies, it's not helping." Finally, she was letting you jump onto your horse, (H/n). (horse name, please call it Jean I will love you forever XD) "Hmm let me think." She taps her chin pretending to ponder on your request while you make yourself comfortable on the saddle. "Nah I'm good!" You roll your eyes laughing as she hops back a bit letting you go. "Whatever...see ya Hange." You say as you wave a little. "BYYEEE!" She yells out jumping in the air like a small child. A small giggle escapes your lips as you smile at her leaving form fondly. Suddenly you get the feeling that someone was watching you, looking around slightly in suspicion you notice a figure in the corner of your eye. Finding the window see Levi looking over at you. Feeling your cheeks flush you send him a kind smile, giving him a small wave. You can almost here is famous 'tch' before you watch his figure walk away from his office window. Smiling to yourself you feel a warm sensation fill your chest with the thought of him. You let out a sigh of what felt like a mixture of sadness and contentment, knowing the chances of you being together were very slim. Deciding to put those thoughts away you pull on the reins to gain (H/n) attention and tapping it's side with you legs to cue it to move forward. 'I just hope she likes me' you think to yourself as you head off to meet your new sister.

Did you like it huh huh......you didn't oh well umm...this is kinda awkward... I'LL TRY HARDER NEXT TIME🙇.....I know it's not very long but I just had an idea and had to wright it down I have a few ideas in ma little head (well I kinda have a big head) so this should be a pretty good story but I'll probably get writers block like I always do......so yeah......baaaaaaaiiiii

Edit: Man i was awkward ^ well I still am just know i know how to hide it better XD anywho first chapter has had a nice clean up! I'm quite impressed that I've managed to go from 1346 words to 2193 whoop whoop, here's to many more words ^^

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