"It hurts so much" - 8

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*Word count: 1762*
GAAAAHHHH IM STRESSING....stupid work TT^TT....OH WELL life goes on....not much else to say really....other than enjoy the chapter
Oh and shout out to @AngelaDavila16 for all your lovely comments ☺️ also I have a playlist on my sound cloud which is called sad anime music, I listen to it while I write this and when I sleep aaannnnd when I get anxiety so it would be awesome if you could check it out I shall put a link beloooow


If that doesn't work my name on it is side_kick_robin
And the name of the playlist is
sad anime songs (has a black and white picture of some anime girl crying)
Disclaimer - I do not own any of the Attack on Titan franchise I'm just simply creating a story using the storyline from the anime

Your POV
'all you could think about was your mother. 'Why did she have to leave, stupid titans, why do you do what you do'...'


Your POV
The way back felt long and slow, by the time you got there it was early evening. You stabled your horse before giving him a pat and then you slowly made your way to the front doors of the HQ.
"(Y/n)? Where were you?!" You hear Hanji yelling at you, you just simply walk on with a stoic face. "(Y/n)? Hey (Y/n)!? Wait!" You hear her walking towards you 'please, not now'. She puts her hand on your shoulder you turn around to face her. "HANJI, STOP!" She flinches back a bit. "Please just, just don't..." You lower your head as you turn and walk to your room leaving a speechless Hanji behind you.

Hanji POV
I just stare at (Y/n) as she walks away....she's never yelled at me like that before, ever...

Third person POV (sorta, keeps changing not really sure 😅)
'What's wrong with me?' You thought to yourself as you run your hands through your hair while making your way to your room, your feet moving on there own as the muscle memory kicked in. "(Y/n), why did you leave so suddenly?" You look up to see Erwin looking down at you as if you were his teenage daughter back after her curfew. You look to floor, because one, out of embarrassment and two, to try and hide the sadness in your eyes. "I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again..." You say in a monotone. "Alright then..." He had obvious concern in his voice, you weren't super close to him but you had been in the scouts for quite a while now so you had gained a small friendship with him that gave him a soft spot for you but he was still your commander. He let's out a sigh. "You are dismissed." You simply nod and continued to walk away. You were almost at your room when heard "Oi." causing you to stop. "'tch' What the hell were you thinking brat?" Levi...'God dammit I really don't need this'. "Why did you ignore me?" You felt him place his hand on your arm trying to turn you around. "That was idiotic, you cou-" You interrupted him by slapping his hand off of your arm, turning around to face him in the process. "What! I could have what Levi?!...What does it matter..." You look down feeling Levi's stare on you. "What happened?" He said bluntly, you look up at him with a straight face. "She's gone." These two simple words triggered a pain, a tight clench in your chest. You can feel all the emotion you've been holding in, all the emotions that you had been pushing down with all your might begin to fight back, your weakened state making it even more difficult to stop them. "Who's gone?" He says with a slight concern in his voice while putting a hand on your shoulder. "M-My..m-mo-" You slap a hand over your mouth in an attempt to trap these feelings, trying to stop them from overflowing, trying to stop the tears from spilling but they were too strong. Your cries began to burst out, the damn that you had built was crumbling under the pressure. You put a hand on the wall in an attempt to keep yourself standing, your legs unable to hold the added weight of this new grief. You slowly slip down to the floor, falling onto your knees as your chest curls in on itself due to how tight and painful it was. You grip your aching chest as strained sobs push through your attempts to fight them away, all of this happening in front of your stunned Captain. He'd never seen you this way, no one has. "She's g-gone, I-I-i couldn't do a-a damn th-thing..." The tightness in you chest intensifies causing you to curl up even more. You feel as if your about to fall forward before your suddenly engulfed in a pair of strong arms, this feeling reminded you of home.

That's an Order - [ Levi x Reader ] (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now